Il costo delle corone dentali: quali sono i rispettivi prezzi dei diversi tipi di corone dentali?
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Il costo delle corone dentali: quali sono i rispettivi prezzi dei diversi tipi di corone dentali?


Chapter 5When discussing the cost of the dental crown, there are many factors to keep in mind: from the country you undergo the procedure in, to the materials, to the place you get them (hospital, private clinic, etc). Here, we will discuss the average prices of a single crown in different materials. When we discuss costs, saying it’s a range between $89 to $2500 may not be helpful if not put into perspective. If you are on a budget, you might get this procedure in a cheaper country more than lowering the quality of the treatment. Lowering the quality may lower the standard of care and require more touch-ups or redoing the crowns. You may also consider a Dental Insurance Plan but dental insurance is not always easy to get. Also, monthly payment plans may be an option too. We will talk about this possibility too. Let’s start! (This is the 5th chapter on dental crowns. We recommend you to start from the beginning for better information on crowns

How much do dental crowns cost?

Let’s not go around it and waste time. Let’s discuss dental crowns cost. How much are crowns and how do different kinds of crowns compare? We are sure you are here for it and to get a better understanding of the prices of a dental crown. Let’s start by saying porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are the most inexpensive. E-max and Zirconia crowns are the most expensive, as they have the highest quality and aesthetic factors. While you may be tempted to go for the lowest possible option, consider a very important factor: the lowest the quality, the lowest the lasting power. This means you may need more frequent visits to the dentist or to redo the crowns more often. You get what you pay for, they say. So, it’s important to understand also the long-term prices of the procedures. The prices we report in this table are considered an average of different countries, different clinics (public, private, dentist office), different brands.

Dental Crowns Materials  Price Range of Crown Average Price
All-Porcelain Crown $ 100 – $ 2500 $ 1300
Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Crown  $ 80 – $ 2000 $ 1000
E-Max Crown  $ 130 – $ 3000 $ 1600
Zirconia Crown $ 130 – $ 3000 $ 1600
Gold or Metal Crown $ 90 – $ 2500 $ 1250

Dental crowns cost for every material available


What is the average cost of dental crowns?

With prices, how much are the crowns? What’s their average price? Here is a table for you to understand the price range you need to pay to get your dental crown and the average dental crowns costs. All the prices are in dollars but they reflect the average prices of so many countries: the UK, Canada, America, Turkey European Countries, and Middle Eastern Countries. Also, we took into consideration so many brands and prices of different clinics all over the world.

What’s the cost of porcelain dental crowns?

Porcelain crowns are among the most requested types when it comes to crowns. The cost of porcelain dental crowns or all-porcelain dental crowns varies, but it’s between 100 dollars to 2500 dollars per dental crown. This is comprehensive of all the dental procedures and both the dental appointments you will need to get your new dental crown. If you’re curious about our affordable prices, please get in touch with our customer service. They’ll be happy to help you!

How much do temporary dental crowns cost?

Usually, the cost of the temporary dental crown is included in the prices of the permanent one. You will wear them only for a couple of weeks and they’re very inexpensive and done by the dentist. However, if we are talking prices, you should know a temporary crown can cost you from $15 to $100 tops. Remember to ask your dentist if the price of the temporary crown is included in the full treatment price or not.

What’s the dental crown replacement cost?

What if you already had your dental crown procedure but need a replacement crown? What is the cost of it compared to a traditional crown procedure? Although you don’t need the dental shaping but just the replacement of the crown, the work the dentist has to do is not that much different from a first-time patient. Therefore prices are usually similar and just slightly cheaper. The price range of a dental crown replacement goes from $60 to $2800 per tooth/crown. If you want more information about the dental crown replacement cost, please get in touch with us!

What influences the price of dental crowns?

When we talk about the cost of crowns, you should know different factors that influence the price. First, the Country you get your dental crowns in. The highest prices are usually in the USA, UK, and Canada. Also, the crown types and the crown material influence the price greatly; the cheapest crown is usually a porcelain-fused-to-metal one. A root canal treatment is necessary or some other dental treatments, your price may go up. When the clinic has an in-house dental laboratory, this lowers the price as there’s no third-party price to pay. If the clinic offers an option for plan discounts, you may save some money. If you get your crowns in a private clinic or hospital, the service will be of a higher quality and the price will go up for sure. There are so many factors influencing your price, but these are the most common ones for a permanent crown.

Why do dental crowns cost so much?

We talked about the cost of the dental crown and you may be wondering, “why are these treatments so expensive?”. Well, let us explain what are you paying for when you pay for dental crowns.

  • Dental Work: first, you are paying for two dentist appointments ranging from 1 to 4 hours each. All the dental work is included in the final price you will be paying.
  • Laboratory Fee: you won’t pay only for the dental work but also for the dental lab creating your crowns. The lab is to create your crowns and they will be custom made for you. This requires a lot of skills, time, and patience. Sometimes multiple people work on your crowns.
  • Crown Material: imagine creating something perfectly identical to a tooth, without it being a tooth. Now imagine having to do it extremely thin and extremely strong. Yes, materials able to do all this are expensive and therefore it may look like an expensive procedure. But they’ll be your trusted companions for 20+ years.
  • Doctor’s Experience: if you want the best treatment you’ll have to pick a skilled doctor. An experienced and qualified dentist will have a higher cost than an inexperienced one. This is going to be an investment in your oral health and happiness!
  • Durability: good dental crowns will be with you for a long enough time, so you won’t need to repay the same amount of money yearly. Crowns can even last over 30 years!
  • Investment: when you get dental crowns and think about dental crown cost, consider it a long-term investment in your happiness and your dental health. Dental crowns protect your teeth from future damage and long and expensive procedures. How much is worth an investment in your health?

Frequently asked questions for veneers prices

There are so many questions surrounding the dental crown cost and we want to answer as much as we can. Of course, we can’t answer all of them. But we picked a few of them we always get asked about. Also, if you ever feel like you need more info, we are just a few clicks away. We will gladly answer all your questions.

Are crowns covered by insurance?

Yes, crowns are covered by insurance if deemed a medical necessity. So it’s up to you to prove the procedure is a necessity and not an aesthetic treatment. Usually, a dental insurance plan only covers up to 50% of the procedure. The cost of insurance is refunded in time. You may need to wait for a refund of your expenses; these periods vary and may take up to 3 years varying according to your insurance policy.

Can you pay crowns monthly?

Although we don’t have this option available, you may find a dental clinic that allows monthly payments. This usually involves a loan from a bank through the clinic and monthly payments for a set period. Some interest rate is usually involved and you may end up paying more than a single-payment procedure.

Can you get dental crowns for free?

Oh well, no. Even if you find dental insurance willing to cover your procedure most of the time they only cover a part of it. Another way is to get someone to pay for you, that would be amazing! But sadly, besides a gift from someone, there’s no way of getting dental crowns for free.

Dental crown financing: is it possible?

Some dentists may offer financing plans, especially if you go to a cosmetic dental clinic. Usually, the clinic has either an in-house financing plan or has a partnership with one or more banks. However, some conditions apply and there are often some interest rates involved. You should get in touch with your dentist to discuss this option. At the moment, we don’t offer financial plans.

Where can you get the best price on dental crowns?

If you want to lower the costs but keep the best quality you have only one option: medical tourism. If you’re willing to travel to another country you’ll find an affordable dental crowns cost and the highest standard. Often there are some dental plans: they have a cost without insurance but are all-inclusive of the hotel, transportation, help. Chasing the lowest price in an expensive country may become a risk and bring hidden dangers. Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns versus All-Ceramic Crowns: A Review of the Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2016 May 12. Available from:



dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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