Want Veneers Alternatives? Here Are All The Options You Need To Know
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Want Veneers Alternatives? Here Are All The Options You Need To Know

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If for some reason your dentist thinks veneers may not work for you, there are several veneer alternatives you can try. Many patients consider veneers alternative if they experience dental problems like not having enough enamel or are suffering from bruxism (teeth grinding). In such conditions, traditional porcelain veneers cannot be placed. Therefore, alternatives to veneers can be your best bet.

Veneers alternative work the same way but are much less invasive and more economical too. Similarly, no matter what your concern is, whether it’s budgetary or a genuine dental problem, veneer alternatives can give you nearly similar results. There are several alternatives available and each one can be used for a different purpose.

You can read all about how they work and how effective they can be in the long run in this article.

Veneer alternatives for a better smile

Alternatives to veneers have simple, painless, and quick procedures where the results can be seen instantly. They too can solve the same dental issues that traditional veneers can. However, they can be useful in case veneers are not in your budget or not useful for your needs.

Here are some alternative options other than veneers that you can find at a dental clinic near you:

  • Teeth Whitening and/or Polishing
  • Dental Bonding
  • Omnichroma
  • Aligners
  • Dental Crowns


Veneers Alternative Purpose Application Time Longevity Price Level
Teeth Whitening Brightness of teeth 45 mins to 1 hour lasts for 6 months Medium
Dental Bonding Hides marks, cracks, gaps, and misshapen teeth 30 mins to 1 hour 6 months to 1 year Low
Omnichroma bonding Hides marks, cracks, gaps, and misshapen teeth Less than 20 mins 6 months to 1 year Medium
Aligners Alignment correction, gap correction, crooked teeth treatment Wear all day appliances (at least 22 hours a day) unknown High
Dental Crowns Restoration of damaged teeth and hide cracks or chipped teeth Porcelain: 2 weeks
Composite: 1 day
Porcelain: 10 to 30 years
Composite: 6 months to 1 year
Low to High(depends on material)

For White Teeth Lovers, Try Whitening Treatments

The two treatments are completely different from each other but are often used for the same purposes. Whitening treatments are considered a quicker and more affordable alternative to veneers because they too are performed to lighten and clean the teeth.

Dental whitening or bleaching is considered to be a fast and effective procedure for improving the color of your teeth. In this procedure, the teeth are bleached to make them look a few shades lighter and visibly brighter than before. The procedures are performed in different ways to lighten extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains are stains that appear on the outer surface of the teeth whereas intrinsic are those that affect the inner layer of the tooth known as dentin. Intrinsic stains are much harder to remove because they are deep-set and can’t be altered easily. In this day and age, even the most deep-set stains or marks can be lightened with the help of whitening procedures.

Veneers and whitening are often interchangeable due to several reasons from lack of dental enamel to budgetary concerns. Therefore, choosing either one depends a lot on your situation as well as your budget. At Dentfix, we are preparing customized treatment plans to help you find solutions that best suit your dental needs and budget. The main difference between these two treatments is that whitening is a cleaning procedure whereas, a veneer is a prosthetic dental appliance attached to your teeth.

Whitening can instantly give you a cleaner and whiter look but at the same time, the results do not last more than 6 months. Whereas, veneers are more long-lasting and outlast any type of temporary dental treatment. Both are cosmetic procedures and can be chosen according to your dental situation or urgency. Whitening procedures involve the use of bleaching ingredients hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. They are both used to intensify the bleaching process and to lighten any dark stains or marks present on the teeth.

There are three types of whitening procedures commonly available in dental clinics:

Option 1: In-Office Whitening

It is a short and effective cosmetic procedure performed in dental clinics that lasts for 45 minutes or an hour maximum. However, for more stubborn stains and marks, the doctor may ask the patient to come for one or two more sessions. Sometimes dentists also give home kits for the maintenance of whitened teeth. They include mouth guards that are worn overnight with mild peroxide gel for 2-3 weeks.

Option 2: At-Home Kits

An alternative method of whitening is home kits that can legally be given only by dentists. A veneers at-home kit includes a mouth guard or dental tray and low-concentration peroxide gel. Since the gel contains a lower percentage of hydrogen peroxide, these kits are considered safe to use at home without supervision. They are fairly easy to use and all you have to do is apply the gel on the given tray and wear it overnight or for a few hours during the day. In conclusion, follow your dentist’s instructions to use the kit effectively for a whiter smile.

Option 2: Whitening Strips

People want instant, easy-to-use, and cheaper alternatives to improve the appearance of their natural smiles. For this reason, many people use whitening strips readily available in drugstores. The main ingredients used in whitening strips are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. However, the percentage of active peroxide in these strips is quite low which is why they are considered safe to use. However, it is best to consult your dentist before using them. There are many brands available in stores and each brand has a different whitening ingredient in it.

Give Your Teeth a New Exterior With Cosmetic Dental Bonding

A lot similar to veneers, bonding is an effective way of hiding dental issues such as marks, cracks, or visible gaps. Composite Bonding is a composite resin and it is attached the same way a veneer is. Bonding is an ideal treatment for people who do not have a sufficient amount of dental enamel. They’re custom-made according to the patient’s teeth shade, shape and size. Composite Bonding can be considered as one of the cheaper alternatives to veneers as it serves the same purpose but at a cheaper cost.

A White Shade for All Teeth, try Omnichroma Bonding

Dental composites are cheaper alternatives to veneers but they offer limited color tones. Omnichroma is one of the latest improvements in dental composites that was developed by a Japanese company. It can be considered an effective dental veneers alternative because it can be attached to the teeth just like veneers. The difference between an ordinary dental composite and Omnichroma is that it has a universal shade. The shade is suitable for everyone and the dentist does not have to go through the long process of shade-matching.

Aligners For A Straighter, More Beautiful Smile

Crooked and unaligned teeth are two common problems that people face. Thanks to recent dental technology and cosmetic treatments, people have plenty of options at their disposal. Aligners, whether manual or clear removable ones can serve the same purpose a veneer does. They are removable dental appliances that are customized according to the shape of your teeth. They are used for alignment correction and to fix unwanted gaps or crooked/misshapen teeth. If you have major issues then the process of aligners can take 6 months to a year to correct different dental issues.

You can discuss this option with your dentist and they will advise you according to your dental problems. Although aligners serve the same purpose as veneers the process is a lot longer and one has to be patient to see results.

Protect Your Teeth With Dental Crowns

One of the most common restorative treatments, dental crowns can too be used as a veneers alternative. Dental crowns are protective caps used to restore the damaged tooth structure, particularly when there’s tooth decay. With dental problems such as cracked, half-broken, or stained teeth, a crown can be just as effective as a veneer. They are less pricier but it depends on the situation of your tooth. If you are suffering from issues such as insufficient tooth enamel or teeth grinding, your dentist can advise you to get a crown. A good-quality porcelain crown can renew the surface of your tooth the same way a veneer does.

What To Do Before Considering Veneers Alternatives?

Before you decide on an alternative on dental veneers, you should consider your budget, the longevity of the treatment and if it will require additional work in the future, meaning more money to invest.

If whitening treatments are a good solution temporarily, they need continuous upkeep. A whitening treatment needs to be done regularly. It can be a good solution for small stains but it’s not a good solution for bigger and deeper stains or if you don’t want or have time to go back to the dentist regularly, you may consider veneers.

If you have just one or two damaged teeth you may consider bonding, but this will also be a temporary solution. Opting for a crown may seem more expensive but it’s a permanent solution, needing no upkeep.

If you don’t want to cover your misaligned teeth but adjust them and don’t mind a long treatment, braces or aligners are perfect for you.

All these options are readily available at dental clinics and you can choose according to your personal needs and preferences. You can also contact our team at Dentfix if you want a personalized treatment plan and we will make sure to solve your issues effectively.

dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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