Turkey Teeth: can you trust dentistry in Turkey? A social media phenomenon explained.
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Turkey Teeth: can you trust dentistry in Turkey? A social media phenomenon explained.

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The term Turkey Teeth recently emerged online to indicate a failed or botched dental treatment performed in Turkey. Driven by the desire for a viral moment, by the disappointment of some people at receiving the wrong treatment by the wrong doctors, and the – not so lightly hidden – veil of prejudice towards Turkey, the term echoes on social media platforms relentlessly.

But why does this Turkey teeth gone wrong phenomenon happened? In this article we’ll try to analyze what are Turkey Teeth by leaving aside sensationalism, prejudices, and negative judgments, trying to spread a positive, educated, and informative message.

We will try to inform the patient on how not to find themselves in a similar situation and to make informed and safe choices. Dental treatments should not be horror stories but excellent experiences. Also, we’ll answer the questions “in Turkey a dentist can be trusted?”

Let’s start.

Explanation: what are Turkey Teeth?

The term “Turkey Teeth” indicates a dental procedure performed in Turkey, usually veneers or dental crowns, gone wrong. It’s usually due to extreme tooth filing, aggressive tooth reduction, invasive treatments, or complications following treatment. The results of these mistakes are teeth looking like fangs underneath the prosthetic or long-term complications. The term was coined from social media like TikTok where people shared their stories.

As the name entails, it’s referred to procedures received in Turkey. So this is why is it called Turkey Teeth. A few social media users shared their disappointing stories on the internet, stating their disappointment with the procedures, some even admitting they did not know what the treatment entailed or they would have preferred a more conservative approach. Some of them had serious side effects and complications. This is where the Turkey Teeth Trend comes from.

Some of the people sharing these experiences were UK TV reality stars, most of them participating in the show Love Island. This is why some people have been referring to Turkey Teeth as Love Island Teeth too.

NoteVeneers and Crowns always require some tooth shaving as there’s a need to create the space to insert the prosthetic. Excessive filing and wrong practices may cause sensitive teeth and intense long-lasting pain.

What is the Turkey Teeth trend? Analyzing the viral videos

Usually when we talk about Turkey teeth horror story we are talking about two possible scenarios. One, is a bad veneers job, the other crowns. There have been instances in which both of these procedures have been botches fueling the turkey teeth trend.

Let’s get into the details about these Love Island Teeth (seems like a romantic name but – trust us – it’s not!).

Bad dental crowns in Turkey

When we talk about Turkey Teeth, we often refer to bad dental crowns with disappointing results. The crowns appear too whitetoo big and square and overall fake-looking. The teeth under the crowns are barely there, revealing over-filing and an over-all bad work. There are two reasons this can happen and give bad experiences:

  • The patient did not know enough about irreversibility and what a dental crown treatment requires, not being aware of the invasiveness and irreversibility of the treatment.
  • The doctor did not provide enough information to the patient or they did their job wrongly (alas, incompetent doctors are everywhere in the world)

This happened to TikToker Jak Reid who gained fame thanks to her video about her experience in Turkey, seemingly liking her teeth first then regretting them.

Not enough? Need more information on dental crowns? You feel like you don’t know enough about the subject? Read our guide on dental crowns done in Turkey.

Veneers gone wrong in Turkey

If the term Turkey Teeth is referred to veneers gone bad. This is the most common problem, Turkey Teeth veneers. For example, it happened to Jack Fincham and Laura Ivanova. There may be three reasons:

  • The patient did not know veneers require shaping and life-long care to not ruin or break them;
  • The patient did not know – or was not informed – veneers are permanent and irreversible;
  • The doctor did not provide enough information to the patient or they did their job wrongly (again, not every doctor is competent)

What if you need more info on veneers? Nothing to worry about, we’re here for you! Read our chapter on Veneers done in Turkey!

Why does “Turkey Teeth” happenwho’s to blame for Turkey Teeth?

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to an unsatisfying procedure. Who’s to blame? It’s not easy to say.

Refusing conservative solutions:
There’s a trend lately of avoiding conservative dentistry and opting for drastic and dramatic solutions. This may be due to excessive requests from the patient or from a personal choice of the dentist preferring less conservative approaches, sometimes more lucrative.

Fast & dramatic results:
Also, the trend for dentistry seems to be dramatic results fast for pearly whites. This requires dramatic changes often people don’t need, in a short period of time without the required knowledge about the procedure.

Not all dentists are equal:
In Turkey, like in the rest of the world, not all dentists are the same. Ethics, knowledge, approach, talent, and capability vary despite the Country or the price range.

The viral factor:
We can’t hide the influence of the “viral factor”, the possibility of creating viral moments on social media may distort people’s judgment. From people talking about dentistry solutions in simplistic and easy terms to people trying to create viral moments by sharing their stories. We should maybe stop, take a deep breath, and start to take responsible choices when it comes to our health.

People mistaking Dentistry for Cosmetic Surgeries:
When we analyze the trend of fake teeth in Turkey, we notice it’s very often shared by users who might have a lot of experience with temporary cosmetic procedures, and mistakes dentisty with procedures like fillers or botox. Understanding the difference between a filler or botox and veneers and crowns here is key. Where even the most excessive filler will dissolve, an overfiled tooth won’t grow back up. “Cosmetic dentistry” may improve your look but still remains a permanent solution.

The whole goal of this blog and this website is to give as much information as possible so patients can be informed and sure about their decisions, knowing what every single treatment entails.

Why did Katie Price got Turkey Teeth gone wrong?

You may have found out about Turkey Teeth by looking at Katie Price before and after picturesBut what happened to Katie Price teeth?

From information shared, we understand allegedly Katie Price went multiple times to Turkey for various rounds and redos of veneers and crowns. For every procedure she got over the years, the dentists shaved more and more teeth until, the last crown procedure gone wrong left her with little tooth tissue remaining and stubs or fang looking teeth.

Let’s remember. Whenever you decide to do – or redo – dental work, the dentist has to file your teeth to create space for the prosthesis. Even if you pick a more conservative route with veneers.

This is not a question of not to get teeth done in Turkey. The problem was born out of multiple procedures over the years and the refusal to accept conservative options, maybe picking the wrong dentists too to do these multiple procedures.

All of this left Katie Price with crowns and veneers gone wrong.

Why medical tourism in Turkey is always under intense scrutiny? 

And now the subject nobody seems to talk about. The continuous scrutiny to which medical tourism in Turkey has been subject for years. But why does this happen?

To summarize in two words we can say prejudices and economic interests.

Prejudices: For years, Turkey has had to respond to accusations of being a retrograde, underdeveloped, and dangerous country only because, as we know, Muslim majority countries are underestimated and belittled often by western people and media. It may seem farfetched but it is also an undeniable truth.

Economic interests: Thanks to the viral moments online, clinics, dentists, and online media take the opportunity to intimidate patients into going to dental clinics in their own country. This undoubtedly creates fear-mongering and panic.
Not being able to offer the prices offered in Turkey (which are cheap only for international patients, not for Turkish citizens themselves, due to currency exchange) they use tactics aimed at frightening patients by suggesting to avoid Turkey. It’s not about Cut-Price treatments or bargain cosmetic dental centers, it’s about currency exchange and a different cost of living that makes prices convenient.

Why are teeth cheaper in Turkey?

The question “why are teeth cheaper in Turkey?” is so common between patients or people simply curious about getting their teeth done in Turkey.

When it comes to prices in Turkey, there are 3 factors allowing cheaper prices:

  • The currency exchange favorable for whoever has euro, dollar or pound;
  • The lower cost of living and a cheaper overall medical expenses;
  • Incentives given by the Turkish Goverment to medical clinic working with international clients;

All these factors allow for cheaper prices. But let’s be clear, these prices are cheaper for people with strong currencies (as we said, euro, dollar, Canadian dollar, pound, etc). The prices are expensive for Turkish citizens and they’re considered luxury treatments and costs.

How to avoid a botched dental procedure 

How do you avoid a botched procedure, bad dental crowns, or veneers gone wrong? Here are some tips:

    • Research the problems you notice in your teeth and possible solutions;
    • Research every single dental treatment you come across, its pros, cons, approach, and requirements;
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, as many as you need to be sure of what you’re doing;
    • Research the clinic: look for pictures of their work, reviews, location, etc.
    • Research the dentist: who’s the dentist in Turkey, what are his achievements, what’s his approach, how’s his work;
    • Know your limits and what you are not willing to do as a treatment or post-op care;
    • Have realistic expectations and don’t ask for too much too fast;
    • Always pick a conservative approach if there’s one;
    • Pick small but safe steps;
    • Don’t go into a bidding war to look for the cheapest price available.

Extra help! You may need more information on how to avoid a botched dental procedure. We’re here for you! You may want to read our guide on a Hollywood Smile done in Turkey, one of the most requested procedures in the Country.

What do we do at Dentfix to avoid “Turkey Teeth“?

Here is what we do to avoid Turkey Teeth or, simply, badly performed dental treatment (a risk possible all over the world).

  • We create guides in our blog on all the dental treatments we perform so patients can read every single detail of the procedure beforehand;
  • We teach our team dedicated to customer care everything they need to know to answer every possible question a patient may have;
  • Leading our customer care team we have a dedicated doctor and a dedicated nurse to help solve every doubt or question professionally;
  • We always pick a conservative approach if it’s possible. If not, we guide the patient through the best possible solution;
  • If you have just stains, we’ll just suggest teeth whitenings, not invasive procedures;
  • We explain the pros and cons of every single procedure;
  • If a conservative approach is not possible, we explain  if the treatment is permanent and irreversible and what this entails;
  • We will not shave your teeth down more than needed and carelessly;
  • We only use the best possible materials and solutions for our patients;
  • We refuse any case we don’t think needs certain treatments, even if it means we are going to lose a patient.

Are dentists in Turkey good? Can you trust them and why?

So, we heard the rumors about the alleged horror stories of medical tourism. We debunked them too. So, why choose a dentist in Turkey?

If you want an international powerhouse in Dentistry, you should consider dental procedures and dental implants in Turkey. Thousands of patients every year seek dental treatments from a Turkish dentist to have a smile makeover. Some prefer them for their dental check-ups to keep their oral health in check.

The backbone and the biggest force behind its multi-billion-dollar dental industry are its world-renowned dentists. But, given what we just talked about, some might wonder about the quality.

How do dentists in Turkey compare with the rest of the world in terms of quality and ability? Are they as good as dental professionals in other countries? What is it exactly that makes them so in demand in their field?

Rigorous education

Only the students who score consistently the highest on their exams can get into the Faculty of Dentistry in Turkey. This makes it one of the hardest subjects to study.

Dentistry education in Turkey lasts for five years. Students begin their practical learning period in what’s called a pre-clinic in their 3rd year. While being supervised in these clinical internships, they practice the treatment techniques.

They practice in different specialty areas such as surgery or pedodontics. But also they practice veneer treatment, root canal treatment, dental crown, etc.

At the end of each internship, the students need to pass an exam. Some dentistry schools require students to repeat the entire year if they fail to pass even a single class.

After their graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry, candidates who wish to be specialists need to pass another standardized exam called ‘DUS’. They also need to complete a clinical residency for three to four years depending on their area of specialization.

Unmatched practical experience

Dentists in Turkey acquire incredible amounts of experience in a short amount of time. This is due to the sheer volume of cases they encounter.

The number of procedures they complete exceeds that of other European countries. This is because of the number of dental cases that Turkey hosts.

That’s why many European students of dentistry choose to study in Turkey during their Erasmus exchange year.

New developments and modern technology in dentistry

As pillars of this big industry, dentists in Turkey tend to keep up to date with the ever-changing dental profession. Quality clinics in Turkey use top-notch technology.

Some of them are 3D/CT scanning, digital x-rays, and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology to name a few.

Therefore, these state-of-the-art equipment and materials used in Turkey require constant learning and improvement of the practice.

The clinics in Turkey – both regular clinics and cosmetic dentistry clinics – meet medical professional standards to be legally open.

Health tourism factor

Turkey is a major competitor in the health tourism sector. This not only means cost savings for the patient but also the clinic must be on top of the field in order to serve thousands of patients from all around the world.

This also means Turkish dentists have a variety of experiences with different types of dental treatments, and experience differences in dental habits or tooth structure. From patients picking medical tourism for dental implants, to just whitening to veneers and crowns, Turkish dentist really saw it all.

Turkey Teeth packages for a stress-free experience

One of the benefits of health tourism and traveling to Turkey is having access to what’s sometimes called Turkey teeth packages. But what are they?

An all-inclusive package set up by the clinic will include all the things you may need while traveling. Sometimes it’s not easy to worry about having treatment and organizing the trip. This is where the packages come from.

From the hotel to transportation to tests you won’t have to worry or stress about organizing your journey, the clinic will. This often comes with a set final cost. The most common deals offered by Turkish clinics are all-inclusive deals for veneers or all-inclusive deals for dental implants.

Testimonies from patients on dentists in Turkey

Perhaps the biggest proof of excellence is the work itself. Many patients getting dental work done by dentists in Turkey can testify to the quality of the procedures with their beautiful results.

With many local and international patients receiving services every year, trust in the quality of these services is shown by good word of mouth. This is probably one of the main reasons behind the growth of the dental sector in Turkey.

No language barrier for any language

Another way dentists in Turkey are good at building trust is through their advanced level of communication with their patients avoiding language barriers. They are usually bilingual and can speak English fluently.

The patients can communicate their dental issues more clearly and the doctor can walk them through their treat dental treatment procedure in detail. This makes for a pleasing visit to the dentist’s office overall.

However, what if the patient and the Turkish dentist don’t speak the same language? Well, the clinic usually offers a personal translator to the patient, so there is no language barrier.

What are the types of dentists in Turkey?

Like all medical disciplines, dentistry has different branches specialized in different subjects. A dentist who specializes in a particular problem can offer a better treatment. It’s also very important for patients to know these distinctions better. First of all, you can find any type of dentist you need in Turkey. The following are the main types of specialist dentists:

  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon: A dentist that treats the conditions affecting both the hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth, jaws, and neck. They can analyze the situation and perform surgeries in these areas. From the standard tooth extraction to the removal of tumors, they can perform surgery on a wide scale of situations.
  • Oral and maxillofacial radiologist: Trained in imaging and interpreting oral structures and tissues using various technological devices like X-ray or magnetic resonance devices in order to diagnose the patient better.
  • Endodontist: A dentist interested in root canal problems. An endodontist treats infected, inflamed, or dead nerves and the pain caused by these problems.
  • Orthodontist: A dentist which interests in the mal-positioning of teeth and jaw and misaligned bite patterns. They help the patients to put their teeth in the right order by treatments like braces or jaw surgeries if necessary.
  • Pediatric Dentist: The one who is dealing with the dental issues of children and adolescents. They can diagnose and treat oral diseases and give advice by monitoring the development of teeth and jaw, treat dental malocclusion, and perform surgical procedures.
  • Periodontist: Is focusing on the tissues supporting teeth like gums and bones. A periodontist may also take an active role in the application process of dental implants.
  • Prosthodontist: The dentist specialized in dental prostheses, also known as a prosthetic dentist. They prepare the prosthesis and the area, then place the prostheses. They also correct mouth and jaw deformations.
  • Restorative Dentist: The dentist focuses on repairing or replacing the damaged teeth and the rigid tissues supporting teeth. Chipped, broken, or missing teeth and cavities are some of the issues concerning restorative dentists. Their aim is the restoration of the utility of oral tissues and the protection of mouth health
dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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