My bite is off after crown, is it normal?
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My bite is off after crown, is it normal?

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You’ve got your new crowns and you’re pretty excited. You have finally achieved a healthy and beautiful smile. However, there is a problem.

You ask yourself my bite is off after crown, is it normal? It makes you feel uncomfortable. You don’t know what to do and maybe you think it was a mistake to have a crown. This is actually a situation that many patients face.

It’s common and normal to feel weird with your crown. Eventually, you’ll have new crowns and it’s natural that they don’t feel like your old normal bite. However, sometimes this situation can be caused by an unusual reason. You can be experiencing bite adjustment after the crown. Your dental crowns may be too high or you may have an uneven bite after the crowns.

These are the problems that require proper treatment. If you let them be, they can cause more serious problems in long term. So, in this article, we’ll try to explain what’s not normal and what to do when your bite feels off after crown.

Why is my bite off after a crown treatment?

The crown application requires precision craftsmanship. Sometimes a bad dentist choice can result in your crowns not being right for you. During the application of the crowns, the dentist first shaves your teeth and then makes a mold of the area. Your crowns are made according to this pattern, but this is not enough. You need to go to your dentist at least once more than that.

The dentist will run some tests to see if there is a bite adjustment after crown. If there is such a situation, the dentist has to make corrections to your crowns until it is completely fixed. The first thing you have to do is to be sure that all these stages are followed carefully. If they aren’t done carefully and with good craftsmanship, it may make you feel your bite is off after crown.

It’s an important problem. If left uncorrected, it can cause pain. Also, extra pressure on certain teeth can cause teeth to crack or break bone loss, and loose teeth. Therefore, if you say “my bite is off after crown,” it would be good to see your doctor before it is too late.

What are these tests and how do they work?

These are quick processes. They won’t take more than a few minutes of your time. Dentists measure the balance and strength of the bite, as well as parameters such as symmetry. Usually, they give you a thin paper which is called a bite strip, they want you to bite it and move your teeth to the left and right.

During this time they observe you and then analyze the traces on this surface. In this way, if there are areas that need to be corrected, they can identify them. They may also ask you how you’re feeling by making some moves.

So, if you still have discomfort, they will understand it too. In the following process, they make some corrections on your crowns and then apply these tests again. So they test your crowns until you reach their best form.

What are the dental crown bite adjustment symptoms?

So how do you know if crowns cause malocclusion? How can you tell if it’s just a process of getting used to your new crowns? Now we’re going to take a look at these signs:

  • Dental crown too high: Sometimes the situation can be so obvious that you can tell from its appearance. Some of your crowns may seem visibly higher than your other teeth.
  • Teeth are not closing properly: To understand the situation, you can close your teeth and see if they are closing properly. In a normal and healthy tooth alignment, the teeth are completely closed by interlocking.
  • Uneven bite after crown: This is the most basic symptom. You will feel discomfort while chewing because your teeth are not closed properly and are not evenly aligned.
  • Jaw muscle pain: More pressure and imbalance on one side of your mouth can affect your jaw muscles and cause pain.
  • Sensitivity in some teeth: Too much pressure on certain teeth can damage these teeth and cause sensitivity. In such a case, hot and cold foods can cause pain.
  • Having headaches frequently: There are nerves connected to your teeth. An irregular pressure can cause headaches as this will stimulate your nerves.
  • Bad gums: This may increase your chances of developing gum disease. Red, swollen and bleeding gums will be a red alert.
  • Bone loss: The constant excessive pressure of your tooth root on the bones can erode your bones. That’s why you can experience bone loss.
  • Crown or tooth getting loose: If too much pressure is applied on your crown or if your crown puts too much pressure on your other teeth, this can cause gum disease and bone loss. On top of that, your tooth will be constantly exposed to too much pressure, and there will be problems with its attachment. This can cause loose tooth.

What should I do if my bite is off after a crown?

Of course, the first thing you should do is go to the dentist where you got your crowns. Normally fixing crowns is part of the crown application. A good dentist will call you for appointments over and over after you put on your crowns.

At these appointments, the dentist does some bite tests on you, measuring if there is a problem. If there are any problems dentist corrects them. This process continues until a perfectly suitable situation is achieved.

What are the solutions to fix bite adjustment problems?

Of course, you should go to your dentist. Dentists can reshape your crowns. They can shave off the problematic excess area or add material to create bite symmetry. Depending on the material of your crowns, reshaping them can be difficult, but not impossible.

A qualified dentist can file these professionally and make the bite comfortable. Ideally, these should be done before the prosthesis is fully placed. Because after the tests are applied and the relationship of the jaws with each other is examined, they abrade the problematic areas. If these are small areas, your dentist can polish them himself.

However, if it is a large area, it may need to be taken back to the lab for polishing. If there are gaps in the closure, your crowns are sent back to the laboratory. So, they make additions to the necessary places in the laboratory. Finally, you can have your comfortable and healthy bite again.

Did you find the answer to your “my bite is off after crown, is it normal?” question? You can contact us by filling out the form down below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.


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Makino S, Okada D, Shin C, Ogura R, Ikeda M, Miura H. Evaluation of the occlusal contact of crowns fabricated with the bite impression method. J Med Dent Sci. 2013 Sep 30;60(3):73-81. PMID: 24146169.

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