Medical tourism dental implants: pros and cons explained!
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Medical tourism dental implants: pros and cons explained!

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Medical tourism for dental implants has been gaining popularity over the last few years. The dental implant alone has gained such importance and is a major part of dentistry that many dentists think that it should be considered a standard practice. When choosing the right dental implant specialist, you should look for a dental surgeon who dedicated his/her time to training in this field.

What are the pros and cons of medical tourism dental implants? This question automatically brings out the “cost” as an answer. Of course, it is one of the most common reasons for someone to travel abroad for a procedure. But there are so many more than just the cost.

Patients from all over the world prefer to go overseas to get their dental treatments. Because they can get the same care for a much more affordable price, if not the better one. Of course, first and foremost, they should find a trustworthy, qualified clinic and a qualified dentist.

Pros of medical tourism

Medical tourism dental implants have lots of advantages, costs being the most important one. But the cost is not the only advantage of dental tourism. These advantages are what make medical tourism so popular. International patients prefer traveling abroad for their dental services, along with other medical services, because it is more convenient than having them in their homelands. It is easy, quick, and quite affordable, so it is hard to ignore.

Let’s review the pros of medical tourism together.

  • coins in your pocket
  • lower cost – high quality
  • see the beauty of the city
  • quick booking and no waiting list
  • everything is organized for you

Coins in your pocket

In countries like Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, and other European countries, the cost of medical procedures is far more affordable than in countries like the USA, the UK, and Australia. With thorough research, you can find what is the best deal in medical tourism for dental implants. But don’t forget to check their reliability! Do not fall for schemes just to save a little bit more money. Trust us, it is already quite affordable with dental tourism. Nothing is more important than your health. Please, do pay utmost care about the right clinic for you.

Lower cost higher quality

Yes, the prices can seem suspiciously low. But the quality, if you know where to look, is as high as a kite can go! For instance, dentists who work in the medical tourism dental implants sector in Turkey have their required certificates and are being inspected regularly by the Ministry of Health. They have high success and satisfaction rates. You can see them by requesting before-after photos of their previous patients and reading their reviews online.

So, why are the prices so low? How is it possible? How can you promise quality? The reasons for the affordable prices are the following:

  • Currency exchange rate: The exchange rates of the peso, Turkish lira, and baht are cheaper than the dollar, euro, and pound. Therefore, this makes the majority of things cheaper for a medical tourist.
  • Package deals: Countries like Turkey and Mexico offer all-inclusive package deals for procedures while the United States and the United Kingdom charge so much for only the procedure. In package deals; anesthesiaprocedurehospital stays (if needed), garmentsaccommodation, and many more are included in the price. And that final price is still more affordable than only the procedure quote given in the US or the UK.
  • Popularity: Dental tourism is a growing industry in countries like Turkey, European countries, Mexico, and Thailand because of its satisfaction and success rates in mentioned countries. This creates competition between the countries for a more affordable price to bring in more dental tourist traffic among themselves. So beware, you will see some competitive prices.
  • Location: Say you were to get your procedure done in Istanbul. The cost of living in Istanbul is way cheaper than, let’s say, London. Therefore, a clinic in Istanbul will charge you less than a clinic in London.

See the beauty of the city

Since you only paid a reasonably affordable price for your procedure, you can go sightseeing or go on a vacation in that country, which is still affordable and could be luxurious (if you’re feeling fancy)! You can go explore the city, take historical tours, go shopping, or turn this journey into culinary tourism. It is out there for you to explore, after all! Some countries, Turkey, for instance, are also offering sightseeing services as an extra to their package deals, also providing you with transportation. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Quick booking and no waiting lists

Oof, we know about the long waiting lists. It can be months before it is your turn. And that is if you can find a spot. One of the advantages of dental tourism is that you do not have to wait for months! Because medical tourism is high in demand in countries like Mexico and Turkey, booking a consultation through the service provider’s website or other communication tools, such as WhatsApp, is super easy and quick. Tell your chosen service provider the dates, and your procedure will be scheduled immediately, according to your availability. After the dates are set, all you need to do is show up, and boom! You’re already ready to go back home.

Everything is organized for you

As soon as you say the word “I do… want to have my procedure in your country”, one of the consultants of the service provider of your choice will arrange every single thing for you to make your journey as comfortable as possible. Accommodation, transportation, dentist visits… everything will be scheduled and ready to go. You only need to name the dates and book your flight.

Cons of medical tourism

Although medical tourism has a lot of spectacular advantages, its disadvantages of it cannot be overlooked. It is possible that these disadvantages can turn your journey into a nightmare. For instance, if you were to get a dental implant procedure in a sketchy clinic, it could affect your oral health in a negative way and you may experience very bad results. But, the disadvantages can be either avoided or dealt with easily.

Let’s talk about the disadvantages and their solutions.

  • traveling more than once
  • the possibility of coming across sketchy clinics
  • language barrier
  • being away from home

Traveling more than once

Some dental services have to be done in more than one session, such as dental implant procedures. And that can require you to travel there more than once. Your boss may not be okay with you traveling back and forth for your procedure (and those bosses are awful, we know), and that may jeopardize your career. Of course, this disadvantage may differ. Only if you need more than one dental implant, your dentist can include a few more sessions in your treatment plan.

Or, you simply might not want to travel back and forth for this procedure. Yes, this can be an issue. But it doesn’t have to be. You can turn this event into another vacation. You can see all of the places you couldn’t see on your first visit. That way, we can turn that frown upside down!

The possibility of coming across sketchy clinics

Unfortunately, there are people all over the world who will try to take advantage of your situation. This can be easily avoided by choosing the right dental clinic, dentist, and licensed service provider for your medical tourism dental implants. Make sure to find a reputable clinic, which is easy to figure out. You can go on their website, check if they have told you about themselves, and has information about the dentists and assistants.

Language barrier

If you are going to a country that does not speak any of the languages you know, that can be a serious issue. Because when it comes to your health, correct communication with your doctor or your dentist is one of the most important parts. Sure, you can use dictionaries and such, but that could easily lead to misunderstandings, and can actually do more harm than good.

The medical tourism agencies decided to remove the language barrier by providing patients with translators. Translators will be the bridge between the dental patient and the dentist who do not speak the same language and help with healthy and correct communication.

Being away from home

Ah, yes. Being away from your homeland is one thing. But being away from home hits different. After all, you are leaving the comfiness of your home. You would not want to be in a foreign country after a procedure. It can get scary, too. You don’t know the language, you don’t know the people… Who wouldn’t feel uneasy, honestly? I know I would.

But, here’s the thing. If you are planning to stay for a few more days than you need to and enjoy your stay for a while, that can easily be arranged! Medical tourism agencies provide you with accommodation in good hotels. Also, as we mentioned before, they will provide you with translators. You can either rest in the hotel, or have your procedure done on your last day so you can enjoy your vacation before heading home!


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‌Barrowman R, Grubor D, Chandu A. Dental implant tourism. Australian Dental Journal. 2010;55(4):441-445. doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2010.01267.x

‌Misch CM. Editorial: Dental tourism for implant treatment: Dream vacation or nightmare? International Journal of Oral Implantology (Berlin, Germany). 2020;13(3):203-204. Accessed December 13, 2022.

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