How to slow down bone loss in teeth: with or without a dentist
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How to slow down bone loss in teeth: with or without a dentist

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Dental bone loss may be a really serious problem. But don’t forget, a lot of people are suffering from this situation. You’re not alone and we’re here to help you. There are many precautions you can apply at home by yourself. Also, there are some medical treatments that can fix more serious situations. This disease can be caused by many external or internal factors. Traumas, injuries, missing teeth, tooth extraction without dental implants, periodontal disease, infections, and even tumors can cause this condition. It can even cause tooth loss, as well as affect the alignment of your teeth. So how to slow down bone loss in teeth? Is it even possible? In this article, we’ll display the prevention methods and medical treatments.

Is it possible to slow down bone loss?

Let’s say you have bone loss. It’s proceeding day by day. You feel like you have to do something about it immediately. So what can you do? Can you stop or at least slow down the bone loss? The short answer is yes. In many conditions, it is possible to slow down the process. Depending on your medical condition, you may even slow it down at home. For example, an eroded bone area can’t naturally heal itself but it is possible to prevent the situation from going worst. You can slow it down but for the regeneration of the lost tissue, you need to have some help from a dental professional.

So how to slow down bone loss in teeth?

How to slow down bone loss in teeth without a dentist

There are precautions you can take at home by yourself that can protect you from this situation. They also can prevent bone loss from going worst if you already suffer from it. Of course, when it comes to detailed medical treatments, you can’t do them without dentists. It would also be helpful to consult a dentist for these home precautions, as they have the widest knowledge on the subject and can analyze your particular situation. So they can give you the most appropriate suggestions. However, since some basic precautions are effective on most people, you can apply them if you don’t have any special situation.

Oral hygiene is always a must!

Oral hygiene habits are undisputedly the most important factor for preventing any oral health problems including dental bone loss. These are the precautions everyone should take into consideration. The most basic thing you need to do to prevent any dental disease (from cavities to tumors) is to stick to a proper oral hygiene routine.

One of the most common causes of bone loss is periodontal disease. This disease is also known as gum disease. Its main reason is poor oral hygiene. Bacteria that accumulate on the borders of your teeth form plaque and tartar. Afterward, they spread the infection to the surrounding tissues. At the same time, bacteria produce acidic wastes which can erode hard tissues like tooth enamel and bones. When your gums become infected, they begin to recede. This situation exposes your tooth roots and the jaw bones that support them. Although bones are durable structures, they can also be affected by bacteria. Your bones can begin to erode. That means you can have loss of bone.

Brushing teeth twice a day, gargling with antibacterial materials and flossing prevent bacteria from settling and multiplying. In this way, even if you are already experiencing bone loss, at least you can slow down the process by preventing the spread of bacteria and infection.

Vitamins and minerals are the body’s snacks!

Vitamins and minerals are the most important materials to feed our bones and maintain their strength. For example, bones owe their hard and strong form to the fact that they are full of calcium. Plus, you need vitamin D to use calcium in your body. So they also should work in accordance. The lack of one can affect the others. For these and similar reasons, it is very important to follow a balanced diet. Depriving your bones of building materials makes them weak. But when you meet all your vitamin and mineral needs, your bones maintain their strength and your teeth hold on to them more firmly. So the rule of good oral health is not just avoiding certain foods. You also need to meet some fundamental nutrients with a nutrious diet. Now we’re going to look at what these vitamins and minerals do and where you can get them.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the essential substances to have strong and healthy bones. Consuming excessive amounts of vitamin A can be toxic. There are some theories that this may also have negative effects on bones. However, consuming it in the required amounts is very beneficial for your bones as well as the rest of your body.

Sources: Fish oils, liver, milk, cheese, egg yolks, tomatoes, carrots, green and red peppers, leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, and fruits such as melon and mango.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B balances the level of homocysteine. High homocysteine levels can cause the density of your bones to decrease. This will make them weaker. Especially b6 and b12 vitamins are effective in this regard. Intake of B vitamins is also effective in digesting sugars. Sugars that are not digested well enough can stay in your mouth and feed bacteria, accelerating the formation of plaque and tartar. This is one of the causes of gum disease and associated bone loss.

Sources: Whole grain foods, meats, egg yolks, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and leafy greens such as almonds, spinach, broccoli, citrus fruits, avocados, and bananas.

Vitamin C

Collagens are important building blocks for bone development. Vitamin C plays a very effective role in the formation of these collagens. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. It is very important for our body’s defense mechanisms. The strength of your defense mechanism is also important in fighting diseases that cause bone loss, such as gum disease.

Sources: Citrus fruits such as orange, tangerine, grapefruit, many fresh fruits such as kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, red pepper, green pepper, tomato, arugula, parsley, lettuce, rosehip, broccoli, cabbage, spinach.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for bone health. It is also necessary for strong muscles. Calcium is the most fundamental building block of bones. Your body uses the calcium mineral it receives with the help of vitamin D. After vitamin D is taken into the body, we need sunlight to be activated. Adequate vitamin D supplementation and calcium intake are essential for keeping your bones strong. There are studies that show it can reduce bone loss even for elderly people.

Sources: Mushrooms, eggs, fatty fishes like salmon, red meat and liver, and lots of pleasant sunbathing!

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is very important for bone metabolism. Helps you increase your bone mineral density. If you have a vitamin K deficiency, your bones become more vulnerable to fractures and cracks.

Sources: Green leafy vegetables, spinach, chard, broccoli, parsley, scallions, peas, tomatoes, celery, green beans, cabbage, basil, asparagus, pomegranates, strawberries, avocados, figs, meat products, eggs, offal.


Almost all of the calcium in our body is stored in our bones and teeth. Calcium is one of the fundamental building materials for these structures. Our bones rebuild themselves as long as we live. So the lack of the most fundamental building material can lead to serious problems. Experiencing calcium deficiency causes your bone density to decrease and your bones to become weaker day by day. This will make them more vulnerable.

Sources: The foods richest in calcium are dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Secondary sources of calcium are seeds such as molasses, sesame, nuts, peanuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, dried fruits, eggs, lemons, tangerines, oranges, and strawberries.


Potassium is an alkaline substance that our body needs. Our body uses potassium to maintain acid and base balance. This also applies to our bones. Excess acid accumulation in the bones wears down your bones over time and weakens them from the inside. Thanks to potassium, these acids can be neutralized and your bones are protected against corrosive effects.

Sources: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, and lettuce are among the leading sources of potassium. In addition, the following can be counted: legumes, nuts, dried fruits, potatoes, bananas, plums, and avocados.


It combines with calcium in our bones and takes a crystalline form. So we can have hard and strong bones. In other words, phosphorus is one of the fundamental building materials of our bones. It is also effective in using vitamins. Adequate phosphorus intake will protect your bones from weakening.

Sources: Milk and dairy products, eggs, meat and meat products, chicken and fish, cereals, legumes, oilseeds, sunflower seeds, rice, peas, white bread, broccoli, and potatoes.

How to slow down bone loss with other dental treatments

All these are effective methods to slow down bone loss. However, sometimes these may also be insufficient. Or you may be dealing with an already advanced bone loss situation. Then medical interventions will be inevitable. So how to slow down bone loss in teeth in a clinic? A dentist can analyze your situation in detail with dental X-ray. Thanks to modern technologies, we can both better understand the development of such diseases and develop treatments even against naturally irreversible conditions. We will now look at some of the main ones.

Do not have a missing tooth

We use our mouths constantly throughout the day. We eat something, and we chew. Every chewing movement we make puts pressure on our teeth and the tissues under them. Our bones under our teeth are stimulated by this pressure. Our bones are also tissues that constantly renew themselves. In the absence of stimulation, the bones in that area do not regenerate and disappear over time. So, when you lose a tooth, it would be wise to have a dental implant without delay. If necessary, bone grafting can also be applied to prevent bone loss.

Maybe you need a gingivitis treatment

It is a common form of gum disease. The main cause of this is bacteria that form plaque and tartar on your teeth and spread the infection to the soft tissues in your mouth. If it progresses, this disease threatens all oral tissues including bone around teeth. If you have a severe gum disease Acidic wastes produced by bacteria and infections can erode these bones over time. This causes bone loss. So if you’re experiencing such a situation, depending on the stage of gum disease you may need to have root planing and surgical procedures to protect your bones. Your doctor will remove the infection and tartar with drug treatments and in-office dental cleanings.

Advance loss? Dental bone grafting is your solution

Let’s say your bone loss is quite advanced, there isn’t enough bone in that area to have an implant. Then what happens? Don’t worry, there is no room for despair. Lost bones don’t naturally regenerate themselves. However, thanks to bone grafting techniques, you can strengthen this area. The dentists can replace the tissue taken from another area or they can fill the area with synthetic powders. They also can soft tissue grafts for receding gums that have to cover your bones. Grafted bones will not be as strong as your natural bone. However, they still fill the area quite firmly and help you maintain your dental health.

Congrats, now you know how to slow down bone loss in teeth!


Jeffcoat MK. Bone loss in the oral cavity. J Bone Miner Res. 1993 Dec;8 Suppl 2:S467-73. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.5650081307. PMID: 8122514.

Krall EA, Wehler C, Garcia RI, Harris SS, Dawson-Hughes B. Calcium and vitamin D supplements reduce tooth loss in the elderly. Am J Med. 2001 Oct 15;111(6):452-6. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9343(01)00899-3. PMID: 11690570.

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