How many veneers do you need? What’s the perfect number for you?
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How many veneers do you need? What’s the perfect number for you?

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If you are curious about how many veneers do you need, here is what is worth knowing. There are several factors dentists consider in cosmetic dentistry when they recommend how many veneers should you get.

The number often varies from patient to patient and it depends a lot on what the patient wants. However, before deciding on the number, a thorough dental evaluation and scanning must be done to understand and fulfill patients’ cosmetic goals.

This article will be your guide in understanding important factors you must know before choosing.

How many veneers should I get?

If your doctor has given a go-ahead for dental veneers, traditional porcelain veneers are a much safer and more durable choice rather than composite veneers. First and foremost, how many veneers do you need requires understanding and identifying your dental concerns. Another important concern is the cosmetic issues present on the visible teeth such as damaged teeth, stains, etc.

Since veneers are cosmetic apparatuses, their main goal is to create an aesthetic change in your smile. Their application process requires shaving a thin layer of your teeth’ surface. They are applied on this shaved area so they don’t look like something extra but they look as natural as possible. But don’t forget, they only cover the visible surface of your teeth. But as we said how many teeth will your veneers cover may change due to your situation and your wishes.

Another thing to say before going into the factors that can affect your veneer choice, let’s talk about something important. There is also a choice between individual veneers and conjoined veneers that you can make. Veneers for multiple teeth can also be applied in a conjoined form as well as individually.

Here are the factors you must consider when thinking about how many veneers should you get:

  • Focus on your smile
  • How white do you want your smile to be?
  • The dental issues you want to hide through dental facets

With a cosmetic procedure like dental facets, patients need to do their research and a veneers consultation to identify their dental needs. Your dentist can then provide a feasible treatment plan with suitable treatment options. After the initial consultation, a dentist can guide you and aid you in the process but it is important to know what you like and want. Here is everything to consider before deciding the number of veneers you need:

Focus on your smile

So, you have decided that you want dental facets but still thinking about “how many veneers do I need?”

Here is a simple solution: just look in the mirror and see the number of visible teeth when you smile. You must focus on the upper and lower front teeth (first 6) to see how many of them are visible when you smile. Then ask yourself about what changes you would like to see and discuss them with your dentist. Usually, dentists recommend focusing on the upper and lower incisors. However, if you think your smile is wider and more of your teeth are visible then you may need more than six or eight veneers.

How white do you want your smile to be?

The whiteness of your smile is a completely personal choice. With veneers, however, it must be made sure that the color matches the rest of your teeth for a confident smile. Sometimes people get veneers on their front teeth and they look oddly whiter than the other teeth. This is why it is important to know how many veneers should you get. A cosmetic dentist can also recommend whitening or polishing treatments before getting veneers for monotone teeth and a beautiful smile.

Altering your smile through veneers involves planning and detailing plays a huge role in remaking your entire smile. If you’re conscious about the shape and size of your teeth, facets can make a huge difference. The best part about veneers is that they can be customized according to your teeth.

The dental issues you want to hide through dental veneers

Before getting veneers you need to know your dental problems. It is equally important for you to be aware of the issues you want to hide. Whether it is a crooked tooth, misshapen teeth, discolored teeth, gaps between teeth, or broken teeth, the application of facets can hide them. Knowing and discussing your problems will help your dentist decide how many veneers do you need and how many should you get. You may just need one or two facets to solve your problems. Sometimes dentists may suggest even partial veneers!

Do I need for both upper and lower teeth facets?

As we discussed before, deciding how many veneers should you get depends a lot on your personal dental issue. We are all unique and have different ways of smiling so our needs also differ. If someone has a wide smile, they might need more than four veneers on both upper and lower natural teeth, such as lower teeth veneers. If someone has a narrow smile, they might not need more than four or six veneers. As mentioned before, each smile is different and may require different dental treatments.

For many people, the cost is the most important factor. In such cases, it is best to discuss with your dentist how the cost can be minimized. Dentists usually recommend a combination of dental facets and composite cosmetic bonding to achieve a natural smile. Therefore, whether you should get dental facets on both lower and upper teeth depends on teeth visibility when you smile and of course your budget. Both these factors can be discussed with the dentist and they recommend how many dental facets should you get.

How to choose the right color of facets?

Along with the shape and size, the color of your veneers is crucially important as well. Usually, your dentist decides what would suit you the best but you too can do your research. The most important thing is to get a monotone smile and ideally, no one should be able to tell if you have veneers. These are a few tips you can follow to choose the most suitable shade for your dental facets:

  • Use the whites of your eyes as a reference. Ideally, your dental veneers should not be whiter than the whites of your eyes.
  • Fair-skinned people can opt for the whitest of tones because color contrast between skin and teeth is less visible on those skin tones.
  • Darker skin tones should stick to natural whites and should not select bleached-out shades because they have a tendency of looking fake.


McLaren EA, LeSage B. Feldspathic veneers: what are their indications?. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2011;32(3):44-49

dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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