Hollywood Smile Cost: How much is this treatment going to cost you?
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Hollywood Smile Cost: How much is this treatment going to cost you?

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If you are curious to know “How much does a Hollywood smile cost?” then you are in the right place. Welcome to the second chapter of our insightful guide on the “Hollywood smile”. Since the Hollywood smile is a broad-spectrum procedure and covers various treatments for perfect and white teeth, its cost also differs from patient to patient.

The Hollywood perfect smile primarily focuses on major cosmetic procedures including veneers, crowns, whitening, bridges, and implants. However, it all comes down to the needs of the patient and the treatments most suitable for their ideal smile and oral health.

In this chapter, we inform you about the overall Hollywood smile cost and the individual cost of all the Hollywood Smile treatments included in it.

How much do the treatments cost in Hollywood smile?

The cost of Hollywood smile differs from patient to patient as per their needs and dental situation. The average total cost of Hollywood Smile treatment begins from $3000 to $5000. The factors that most affect the price are the extent of damage, treatment type, and materials chosen.

Here are the prices of various treatments in a Hollywood Smile and the cost you can expect if you need these treatments:

Hollywood smile treatments Material and type Price (per tooth)
Veneers Porcelain, E-max, Composite $250 – $2,500
Crowns Porcelain, Zirconium, Ceramics $500 – $3,000
Whitening In-office type, home devices $50 – $1,500
Implants Porcelain, Ceramics, Zirconium $500 – $2,500

Let’s dive into the details and see how much does a Hollywood smile cost.

How much does a Hollywood smile with veneers cost?

Hollywood smile veneers cost can vary based on the material used in making the type of veneer. Each material has its own benefits. However, the most popular choice is porcelain because it lasts longer and gives a more natural appearance. The average price of the most preferred material, porcelain veneers can be anywhere between $325 to $2,500 per tooth.

You may consider saving money on veneers with all-inclusive packages 

How much does a Hollywood smile with dental crowns cost?

Same as the veneers Hollywood smile dental crown cost depends on the material that was used to make them. The most common type of dental crown for a Hollywood smile is E-max, which is a porcelain fused to metal type that will give you the most natural-looking smile. The price of E-max crowns for Hollywood Smile treatment is $1000 to $2,500.

How much does a Hollywood smile with whitening cost?

Teeth whitening whether as part of the Hollywood smile treatment or not has become a very popular and common practice. Nowadays you might have seen home devices for teeth whitening, but most dentists recommend the in-office type of teeth whitening for Hollywood smile because it is more convenient and done under a dentist’s supervision.

Hollywood smile whitening cost starts from $500 and goes up to $1,500 based on the type of technology being used. You can reach out to your dentist to know the types of whitening available.

How much does a Hollywood smile with implants cost?

Another dental treatment that the price depends on the material as well. Hollywood smile dental implants cost can start from $3000 to $8,500 per tooth.

This is the most expensive treatment for an Hollywood Smile, so you may want to consider an all-inclusive option for implants.

Can there be any additional costs outside the Hollywood Smile?

Yes, there can be additional costs, but most Hollywood smile dental clinics include them in the package. While the average total Hollywood smile price is $3000 to $7000, there could be extra charges for supplementary professional services such as:

Anesthesia is a significant part of pain management and many patients opt for it in dentistry. The normal rule of thumb in dental care is to administer local anesthesia when the patient goes through invasive dental procedures such as implants or crowns. For other minor procedures, anesthesia is not required. The requirement for anesthesia depends on the pain threshold of the patient. The average price of anesthesia lies between $200 to $500.

X-rays or 3D imaging of your upper and lower jaw are necessary for digital smile design. It is done to determine your dental issues and to choose the right Hollywood smile treatments for you. Since there is some level of expertise involved in this process, you can be charged for it. The average price of dental X-rays for a Hollywood smile treatment is $75 to $300.

Are there any additional costs in maintaining your Hollywood smile? 

The maintenance of your Hollywood smile depends on the treatments you receive and your lifestyle regarding your oral health. For instance, if you get Hollywood teeth veneers, it is recommended to visit your dentist every 2 to 3 years. And these visits will have their own additional prices which are not included in the Hollywood smile price.

Which dental treatments are not included in Hollywood smile?

Hollywood smile is probably the only treatment that allows one to completely revamp their smile. It also allows the inclusion of several treatments for a proper smile makeover. Dental treatments that are not part of the Hollywood smile are orthodontic treatments.

Does dental insurance cover a Hollywood Smile treatment?

Unfortunately, in most circumstances, the answer is no. Since Hollywood smile is a cosmetic dentistry procedure, it is highly unlikely for dental insurance to cover it. However, under certain circumstances such as an injury, certain private insurance companies may offer coverage. Either way, the best way to find out is to get in touch with your insurance provider for accurate information.

Is Hollywood smile worth it and how it can benefit you?

If you are looking to get multiple dental treatments that are included in the Hollywood smile package it could be in your favor to go for a Hollywood smile. Simply google “Hollywood smile near me” and start looking! In short, the answer is yes, it is worth it! Some of the benefits are:

  • Customizable treatments
  • Saves you money
  • Self-esteem boost
  • Improved oral health
  • Whiter teeth

However, if you want a cheaper alternative you can consider the Hollywood Smile with medical tourism option!

Why is Hollywood Smile so expensive?

Hollywood Smile is a slightly expensive procedure because of various reasons.

Firstly, since it focuses on achieving a perfect smile, the most modern technologies are used to achieve accuracy.

Secondly, the main focus of this cosmetic treatment is to enhance the exterior of your smile so it is made sure that the quality of materials is superior and matchless. Especially for veneers, the most durable materials such as porcelain and E-max are used.

Therefore, due to a no-compromise on a quality approach, the Hollywood smile procedure ends up being more expensive.

Is there a money-back guarantee on Hollywood Smile?

No, there is no money-back guarantee but for treatments such as veneers, there is a 3 to 5 years warranty that the patient can use in case of damage or complications. For implants, many companies offer a lifetime warranty that can be used anytime repairs are needed. For crowns and bridges, the average warranty time lasts from 5 to 10 years. Every company may have a different warranty policy, so it is best to inquire about them.

dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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