Holistic dental implants: what is it, the benefits, and more explained!
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Holistic dental implants: what is it, the benefits, and more explained!

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If you still haven’t heard of holistic implants, it may sound like a new type of implant has been out on the market. With this in mind, we can say that it is way less confusing to use the term holistic dentistry instead of holistic dental implants. Because what we’re actually talking about is a familiar face: dental zirconia implants. 

There is no doubt that there is a growing interest in the importance of health and general well-being. And now, this holistic health approach is possible thanks to dental zirconia implants. They are already famous for their biocompatibility. But from promoting tissue generation to minimizing potential allergic reactions, such implants have also gained popularity for various abilities. These implants are specifically designed to restore the appearance and strength of your natural teeth. They offer a seamless and aesthetic solution to your bad teeth. 

So, let’s explore holistic dental zirconia implants and their various advantages to understand their impact on modern dentistry.

Exploring holistic dental implants in the dentistry world

In recent years, zirconia implants have risen, perhaps because they offer holistic alternatives to traditional dental implants. To begin with, one of the benefits of zirconia implants is their biocompatibility. In other words, they are less likely to trigger side effects or allergies in your body. This is especially important for people with sensitivities or weak immune systems. 

And it’s also a great option if you want a natural smile. Zirconia implants can be designed to match the color of your natural teeth, enhancing their aesthetic appeal. What about their durability though? Well, although the strength of metal implants is more heard of, zirconium implants are an equally reliable long-term solution for dental restoration. Since they are not easily affected by the daily pressure of chewing, you can have confidence in them without any worries. 

By the way, did we mention that zirconia dental implants can be used for a set of full arch as well as single tooth replacements? Yes, you heard it right! Quite surprising, isn’t it? With their beneficial aspects and holistic approach to oral health, zirconium implants are truly impressive. It’s hard not to be impressed by them. 

Biocompatible materials

Biocompatible dental implant materials have an important role in the success and longevity of holistic dental implants. There are a variety of tooth replacement options available. And among these, ceramic implants are quite popular. Now you can leave your worries about allergies behind. Because zirconia offers an alternative to titanium implants. 

Zirconia is very good at being compatible with your oral environment. So, what exactly are the advantages of zirconia’s biocompatibility? Not only does it make implant failure less likely by reducing reactions and allergies, but it also keeps infections away with minimal plaque and bacteria buildup. However, your dentist will choose the dental material for your implants based on your preferences. 

Non-invasive techniques

Non-invasive implant techniques offer minimum damage to surrounding tissues. For the best results, advanced technology and precision-guided systems take the lead. But what kind of technology? Among the most useful methods are computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM). With this kind of technology, there’s no longer a need for traditional impression-taking methods. This means a faster and less painful process is waiting for you.

Also, we should mention flapless surgery. Flapless surgery techniques alongside zirconia make the procedure even more non-invasive. This procedure can reduce postoperative pain, swelling, and recovery time. This is because it makes performing the operation possible without the need for a traditional flap or large incision. By combining non-invasive techniques and the holistic compatibility of ceramic zirconia implants, your dentist can make your implant experience more comfortable and painless for sure.

Here is the pros and cons list of having holistic implants!

Trying to decide whether holistic dental implants are for you? The best way to do this is to first weigh the pros and cons to see if they match your personal preferences. Before going into more details, here is a table that you can easily get an idea from:

Pros Cons

Reduced allergic reactions risk

Risk of microfractures
Natural looking, more aesthetic Being sensitive to low-temperature damage


Higher cost

Let’s take a look at them in a “holistic” way and understand what these pros and cons are telling us!

Benefits of being metal-free

Let’s take a look at the advantages of zirconia implants first. Zirconia implants prevent the risk of allergic reactions compared to metal-based titanium dental implant materials. How does an allergic reaction happen? Well, it occurs when your immune system is triggered by certain metals used in implants such as titanium or nickel. As a result, you can experience inflammation and even implant failure. Good news though! These metal-free dental implants come to the rescue as a solution for this issue. Zirconia has excellent tissue compatibility and hypoallergenic properties. So, if you too have metal allergies, you can choose holistic implants without having to fear an immunological response. Apart from that, they have a quite smooth surface. In other words, they lower the chances of getting an infection by making it harder for bacteria to stick to them and form a slimy layer called biofilm.

Also, these kinds of implants won’t corrode. This means they don’t release harmful metal ions into the surrounding tissues as metal implants can. In this case, it can affect the functionality of the implant and cause failure. Then you’ll have to get it fixed and changed every now and then. With all these in mind, it’s a good idea to get zirconia implants.

Aesthetic looking and natural feeling

Holistic zirconia implants also stand out with their aesthetic properties. They are designed to be very similar in color and texture to your natural teeth. By imitating the look of real tooth enamel, it lets the light through, giving it a see-through quality. The color of the prosthetic tooth is customized to match your healthy tooth. This unique feature helps you achieve a beautiful smile without any imperfections. Besides the look, it has a realistic feel, so you don’t have to take a stroll down memory lane every time you eat.

Structure causing frailty

Let’s move on to the cons. Unfortunately, zirconia dental implant problems are also possible. But, nobody’s perfect, right? First of all, they are more prone to microfracture compared to other standard materials, especially in high-stress areas of the teeth. And these micro-cracks can ruin the wholeness of the implant. So, requires maintenance to minimize the risk of structural damage.

And you might be wondering but wait, isn’t zirconium less conductive than metal materials? Well, yes. But their exposure to low temperatures and temperature changes can cause them to expand or contract. Just as with microfractures, this will end up damaging the implant. 

The financial side of holistic implants

If you’re looking for a restorative dental treatment that focuses on your overall health, you’ve made the right decision. But, there is one thing that might be a little frustrating when it comes to this choice. And that is the price of holistic implants. They can be more costly compared to other implant solutions. While average prices may vary depending on geographic location and individual factors, the cost of holistic zirconia implants ranges from $3000 to $5000 per single tooth. 

There are multiple reasons for such high prices. For example, zirconia is a relatively new dental material in dentistry compared to titanium. Putting these aside, the holistic approach includes customized treatment plans that take into account your overall health and well-being. Although the financial side of holistic implants may be underwhelming, this dental solution will keep you smiling for a long time. 


Romero-Ruiz MM, Mosquera-Perez R, Gutierrez-Perez JL, Torres-Lagares D. Flapless implant surgery: A review of the literature and 3 case reports. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2015;7(1):e146-e152. doi:https://doi.org/10.4317/jced.51985

Comino-Garayoa R, Cortés-Bretón Brinkmann J, Peláez J, López-Suárez C, Martínez-González JM, Suárez MJ. Allergies to Titanium Dental Implants: What Do We Really Know about Them? A Scoping Review. Biology. 2020;9(11):404. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9110404

Sivaraman K, Chopra A, Narayan AI, Balakrishnan D. Is zirconia a viable alternative to titanium for oral implant? A critical review. Journal of Prosthodontic Research. 2018;62(2):121-133. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpor.2017.07.003

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