Full set of veneers in Turkey: costs, numbers and benefits
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Full set of veneers in Turkey: costs, numbers and benefits

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We are sure you heard about veneers, but have you ever heard of a full set? And did you know you can have a full set of veneers in Turkey? If you want to learn more about this, you’re in the right place.

A full set of veneers in Turkey is the ideal solution for patients wanting a complete makeover of their smile, with the best quality available, advanced dental technology and a smaller price tag. A full set will cover from 16 to 20 teeth (8 to 10 bottom and 8 to 10 bottom) of your teeth, having you leave Turkey with a brand new smile.

In this article you will learn these key elements about a full set of veneers in Turkey:

  • what is it;
  • how many you can get;
  • if you’re a candidate;
  • cost;
  • why pick Turkey;
  • general informations about your travel to Istanbul or Turkey;

Let’s start!

What is considered a full set of veneers?

When referring to a full set of veneers, dentists usually mean a number of veneers able to cover the entire frontal and visible part of your teeth. The part that shows when you smile, in simple. No back tooth will be covered.

How many teeth are included, then? Usually, a full set of veneers is made of:

  • 16 veneers, 8 top, and 8 bottom
  • 18 veneers, 9 top, and 9 bottoms or
  • 20 veneers, 10 top, and 10 bottoms.

Moreover, some people talk about a full set of veneers in the case of 10 veneers, 5 top and 5 bottoms, but that’s usually rare. However, a full set of veneers is usually at least 16 veneers. The dentist and the patients will decide together how many veneers the patient wants and needs and what is best suited for the patient’s desires, budget, and healthy smile.

This is something you could consider a “full makeover”, for extended damage or for a transformative solution.

Who is a candidate for a full set of veneers?

Before deciding if you want a full set of veneers in Turkey you should first do a self-evaluation to understand if you’re a good candidate to get a veneer treatment.

People with the following characteristics are good candidates for a full veneers in Turkey:

  1. Stained, dark or discolored front teeth;
  2. Chipped, deformed, crooked, and cracked teeth;
  3. A good enough enamel layer
  4. Willing to take care of the veneers in future;
  5. Willing to travel to Turkey for 5 to 7 days;

On the other side, people with the following characteristics are not candidates for veneers:

  1. Teeth too crooked or misaligned;
  2. People with a severe nail biting problem;
  3. People with severe malocclusion;
  4. If they want to realign their teeth;

How much does a full set of veneers cost in Turkey?

One of the most common reasons people coming from European countries, the United States of America, Canada, or Arabic Countries travel for a full set of veneers in Turkey is the affordable price and the excellence in Dentistry.

How much is a full set of veneers in Turkey? A full set of veneers cost in Turkey goes from 2.000€ to 6.000€. 

Here’s a list of detailed prices for full set of veneers around the world:

Types of Veneers Price Range in Turkey Price Range in the UK Price Range in Europe Price Range in the USA
16 Porcelain Veneers € 2.000 –  4.000 € 9.500 – 19.200 € 8.800 – 17.600 € 12.800 – 36.500
20 Porcelain Veneers € 2.200 –  5.000 € 12.000 – 24.000 € 11.000  – 22.000 $ 16.000 – 46.000
16 E-MAX Veneers € 2.800 –  4.800 € 12.000 – 22.400 € 11.200 – 20.800 $ 14.400 – 40.000
20 E-MAX Veneers € 3.600 –  6.000 € 15.000 – 28.000 € 14.000 – 26.000 $ 18.000 – 50.000

These are just an average example of a full set of veneers cost to understand price differences on different types of veneers in different countries.

We at Dentfix believe in offering you the best treatment with the highest quality material and this is why we offer you E-Max Laminate Veneer. Get in touch with our customer service for a personalized online consultation!

Are there any hidden costs? 

During your online consultation, we will offer you a price based on the dental services offers, the dental products used, the number of veneers, the dentist fees, and the type of veneer used and the situation you describe/show via exams or x-rays. This price is always final and there are no surprises or additional costs. This is to say, you won’t need to worry about any hidden costs with us!

For example, the only cases there could be additional costs is in case of an emergency requiring additional treatments, an emergency stay in the hospital. This is to say, please, during the consultation disclose any allergy, medical situation, diseases, or any medicine you regularly use.

Why should you get full set of veneers in Turkey?

Turkey’s fame as one of the best destinations for dental treatments and in particular Cosmetic Dentristry is unmatched. Yearly, hundreds of thousands of patients come to Turkey to get their healthy teeth back with a premium dental treatment. There are so many reasons for you to finally get your full set of veneers in Turkey. You should just worry about getting ready for your travel.

The main reasons are:

  • Experienced dentists
  • Prestigious clinics
  • Affordable prices
  • Premium quality
  • No waiting lists
  • All-inclusive services

Having an experienced dentist next to you will ensure you have a wonderful experience. Thanks to the number of patients coming yearly to get dental treatments, Turkey has a very high number of highly skilled dentists and cosmetic dentists at your service.

The private health sector in Turkey has incredibly prestigious, sterile, modern, and welcoming clinics, perfect for every patient wanting only the best from their clinic.

 Turkey offers affordable prices from everyone coming from abroad, especially patients trading in currencies like the euro, pound, or dollar. This will not affect the quality of the treatment, the structure, or the doctor.

Nobody really enjoys going to the dentist but what if we tell you you can mix the latest modern technology in dentistry with a stunning holiday in a beautiful country? You’ll be able to visit Istanbul and enjoy all its beauty and charisma.

You will be able to obtain your veneers in Turkey trusting you’ll get premium quality with durable material, the highest quality dental technologies, and high-quality dental treatment.

You won’t have to compromise the quality of the type of veneer to fit your budget but you’ll be able to pick the best type of veneers to achieve the aesthetic smile you always wanted, for example with a smile makeover with a full set of E-Max veneers.

You won’t need to go through long waiting lists to get your appointment for dental implants and veneers. Beautiful smiles are waiting for you, whenever you want them!

The clinic will take care of everything for you, from the transportation to the hotel and the treatment so you don’t need to worry about anything. Just enjoy your holiday and your new beautiful smile with a all-inclusive package!

How many days should you stay in Turkey if i will have full set of venees?

Usually, a patient getting a full set of dental veneers, will stay in Turkey for a period of time varying from 4 days to 7 days. During this time, after the first visit, the patient will have temporary veneers while waiting for his permanent veneers.

A full set of veneers in Turkey is custom-made to each and every patient. Molded according to the patient’s natural teeth and it has to match the mouth perfectly. This requires time and a skilled cosmetic dentist lab to create your custom-made veneers. This part is incredibly important and the veneers should match perfectly your teeth and smile.

Don’t try to rush it, you won’t regret it!


Pini, N. P., Aguiar, F. H., Lima, D. A., Lovadino, J. R., Terada, R. S., & Pascotto, R. C. (2012). Advances in dental veneers: materials, applications, and techniques. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dentistry, 4, 9–16. https://doi.org/10.2147/CCIDEN.S7837

dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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