Eating with veneers: the complete list of what to not eat and what to eat 
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Eating with veneers: the complete list of what to not eat and what to eat 

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One of the most frequently asked questions is how much veneers will affect your eating habits. Veneers are very robust and durable aesthetic prostheses. Unlike the natural tissue of the tooth, these prostheses can’t repair themselves if they get damaged. However, you can use it more carefully and make their lifespan last longer. How you use them can be quite decisive over this period. It also can affect your dental health in general. That’s why in this article we’ll show how to prevent food from shortening the life of your veneers.

Eating with permanent veneers

You may ask, “so, how does protecting my veneers affect my diet?

The first thing you need to know is that permanent veneers are more durable than temporal ones so they require less restriction in your diet. However, they are still permanent prostheses that need to be taken care of. For example, trying to open a cap or package using your teeth after you get your veneers may damage them. Consuming certain foods can also damage your veneers. Also for some foods, it is recommended to consume them carefully.

So what foods and drinks should we avoid?

Let’s take a look:

What can you eat not eat with permanent veneers?

There are very few foods that you have to avoid to protect your veneers. Most foods in daily consumption are harmless to them. As we said before, veneers are quite durable. Some of these foods can’t directly damage the veneers but they erode the bonding agent. So let’s see what are:

  • Acidic foods and drinks
  • Extremely hard foods
  • Alcohol
  • Crusty, crunchy and hard food 
  • Sticky stuff
  • Dark and staining liquids

Let’s check the details!

Acidic foods and drinks: The acid-included foods and drinks like lemon, tomato, and sodas can erode the bonding agent placed between the tooth surface and veneer. This erosion process takes time. But it can shorten the life of your veneers in the long run.

Extremely hard foods: Permanent veneers are quite durable compared to others. However, the hardness of some foods can reach extremely challenging levels. Ice, for example, is a really hard substance and you should avoid biting ice even if you don’t have veneers. Some candies can also be extremely hard. So it’s better not to try to chew or crush them with your teeth. So it’s also good to slice the extra hard fruits and vegetables, like carrots. When consuming meat, you should be careful about the possibility of bones in it. Trying to cut tough meat with your front teeth may also be harmful.

Alcohol: High alcohol consumption can also erode the bonding material. This includes also the use of high-alcohol mouthwashes as well as high-alcoholic beverages.

Crusty, crunchy, and hard foods: Crusty or crunchy foods like breadsticks or toasted bread can damage your veneers if you try to chew them with your front teeth. That’s why it is generally recommended to consume soft bread.

Sticky stuff: Sticky candies, caramel, taffy and the products like them can get stuck in your veneers. It’s possible to damage the veneers while trying to remove them.

Dark and staining liquids: The permanent veneers are generally stain-resistant. However, consuming such things may cause discoloration on the bonding agent and other tissues. This can create a disharmony to the smile you want. So it would be good to rinse your mouth after consuming them. Some of them are red wines, coffee, and tea.

What can you eat with permanent veneers?

As long as you are careful about the foods we mentioned above, you can eat anything you want. Remember that veneers are designed to be extremely durable. So in most cases, you don’t have to worry about them. However, the bonding agent and your natural teeth may not be as durable. In addition, some routinely repeated challenging movements or special foods mentioned above may endanger your veneers. So you will need to apply proper care.

Can you eat hard food with permanent veneers?

As long as you’re being careful, yes! A standard hardness won’t be a threat to your permanent veneers. However as we mentioned above, some foods can be extremely hard. It is useful to be careful with such foods. For example, instead of tearing off extremely hard foods with your front teeth, you can cut them into small pieces before eating. This may seem like a very simple solution. Yet, with such simple solutions, you can extend the life of your veneers considerably.

Can you bite into food with veneers?

Yes. Your permanent veneers are designed to fulfill the daily functions of your teeth. They should be strong and durable and they should protect your natural teeth. However, some situations like those, we mentioned above can shorten the lifespan. Biting the soft foods won’t be a problem. On the other hand, applying high force with your veneers on extremely hard foods can endanger them. So shredding or cutting before eating will protect your veneers.

Can I eat apples with veneers?

Yes but apple is one of the foods we count as things to be careful about. Biting down on these foods can damage your veneers. You can eat apples but it is recommended that cut before eating and chewing with your back teeth.

Can I eat corn on the cob with veneers?

Yes, you can. But you have to be careful not to bite the cob. Likewise, when eating meat, you should be careful not to bite the bone. As long as you separate the corn from the cob without too much strain on your teeth, you won’t have a problem.

Does food get stuck in veneers?

Yes, it is possible. Especially for sticky foods like hard candies, caramel, and taffy. You should be careful when trying to remove food stuck in your veneers. You may damage the veneers. To avoid such situations, you can rinse and brush your teeth after eating sticky things. Rinsing with salty warm water can soften the stuck food and that makes it easier to dislocate them.

In the case of food getting stuck between the tooth and the veneer, you’ll need to visit your dentist. Because this means that the bonding agent is eroded, and there are gaps between the tooth and the veneer. You have to make them glued again before it causes more serious problems.

How to avoid veneers food stains?

The dental veneers, especially the porcelain ones are stain-resistant. They are cosmetic procedures that you will use for years. Some stains may occur over such long periods. You can follow the steps below to avoid stains:

  • Avoid red wine, coffee, tea, berries, candy, acidic juices, and acidic sauces like vinegar or tomato sauces, dense and dark liquids.
  • Rinse or brush your teeth if you have consumed food or beverages such as the above.
  • Consult your dentist. Meeting your dentist periodically will allow you to intervene early on emerging problems.

Can food enter veneers?

Eating with veneers is just like eating with your individual teeth, your veneers may have food particles getting in between them. The thing you should not forget here is not to be too hard on your teeth while trying to remove them. Standard dental care procedures will be enough for this kind of situation.

Foods You Can and Can’t Eat With Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are generally the most durable ones. They best imitate the natural structure and movements of your teeth. However, this still does not mean that they are impossible to have broken veneers. Also, the bonding agent may undergo a color change. To protect them, you may need to avoid or consume the following products with caution. Food other than these will not pose a threat.

  • Dark Liquids: Red wine, black coffee, black tea… (Can discolor the bonding agent. Can be consumed but it’s better to rinse your mouth afterward.)
  • Hard Candies and Sticky Foods
  • Hard Crunchy Foods (Better consume with caution)
  • High-Alcoholic Beverages (can damage the bonding agent)
  • Extreme Hard Foods (like bone in meat, carrots, and ice)
  • High Acid Foods And Beverages (like tomato-based sauces, they can erode the bonding material)
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