Dentures 101: everything you need to know about this treatment
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Dentures 101: everything you need to know about this treatment

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Let’s face it, losing teeth affects your smile like nothing else. So here we are with our first chapter on Dentures. This is a part of our complete guide with all the information you need on dentures if you don’t know much about them.

In this chapter, we talk about what exactly are dentures, what they look like, and whether they will suit you or not. Furthermore, we discuss how can you find the best dentist for this treatment and what to expect later.

What are dentures?

Tooth loss leads to many physiological and psychological issues from low self-esteem to chewing difficulty to bone loss. Dentures are artificial teeth that help you regain your confidence and smile your widest smile. They are convenient and non-invasive, available as removable and permanent dental appliances.

They improve your chewing ability and allow your teeth to function the same way again. They are also customizable so it is possible for you to get them refitted again. In a nutshell, this type of prosthetic is perfect if you are looking for a cost-efficient treatment to restore your smile and oral health.

What do dentures look like?

Dentures resemble real or natural teeth and come with an acrylic base that looks like real gums. The removable ones come with metal clasps while dentists attach fixed ones with glue.

Porcelain or acrylic are common materials for dentures these days.

Custom-made and ready-made versions are different in quality and aesthetics. Custom-made ones are reliable and look natural while ready-made ones tend to look fake.

Are dentures worn 24 hours a day?

No, you do not need to wear your prosthetic 24 hours a day if they are removable. You must at least wear your removable prosthetic for 8 hours during the day. Avoid leaving them in at night to give your gums a rest and if you wear them too long you can get yeast infections too. Take off removable dentures when you eat, brush, and floss. Denture-wearers with no teeth can eat with their removable dentures. They must take them off though, before sleeping to avoid infections and gum issues. Also, make sure to clean them every time you are about to put them back again.

If you have fixed ones, all you need to do is be extra vigilant about your oral hygiene. Be persistent with your oral hygiene routine and make sure to brush and floss after every meal. Also, visit your dentist in 6 months for deep cleaning so that your dentures and gums stay healthy and clean.

Do dentures always look fake?

They do not always look fake and nowadays it’s hard to tell the difference. It does depend on the type you choose, the material, and the quality.

Unlike the fake plastic ones, porcelain ones look much more real and fit better. The ready-made plastic ones look fake because they are one size fits all and extra white.

I need all my teeth pulled and dentures: where do I start?

You can start by getting in touch with a reliable and qualified prosthodontist.

Share your medical history with your dentist in case you have any chronic conditions. If you need extractions, dentists advise patients to speak to their GP doctors first.

After extraction, the dentist leaves your jaw to heal and places temporary dentures. It takes at least 3 to 6 months for the jaw to heal after extractions. During the healing phase, the dentist calls you to the clinic several times to check the recovery. When the sockets and gums heal, dentists again take new measurements. After a few days, they call you to place your permanent dental prosthetics.

How can I find the best dentist for dentures?

Looking for the right dentist can sometimes be a daunting task more so if you are missing teeth and are looking for a prosthodontist. This is what you should keep in mind when looking for the best dentist for this treatment:

A dentist’s qualification for denture treatment plays a crucial part and you need to pick a prosthodontist. Make sure you check their certifications. There should be proof of verification by the official board of prosthodontics.

Check the reviews online. Probably the easiest way to find a dental clinic these days. It gives you a fair idea about the quality of their work and customer service. Contact a clinic with the least amount of negative reviews.

Visit the before/after dentures gallery. Pictures speak a thousand words, especially for this treatment. Check if they have a photo gallery displaying before and after. It sure makes it easier for you to pick a dentist for dentures. Here is the link to our photo gallery where you can check the kind of work we do.

Contact the team before deciding on the clinic. Communication is a crucial part of choosing a clinic. The smoother it is to communicate your needs to the team, the easier it will be for you to make your decision and find your dentist for teeth replacement.

Who’s the dentist who specializes in dentures?

Prosthodontists are the best and most qualified dentists for dentures. They specialize in teeth replacement treatments such as implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.

Prosthodontists complete 5 years of dental school and 3 years of a residency program. In total, it takes at least 10 to 11 years post-high school to become a prosthodontist. So, needless to say, they are the best ones to go to for ideal dentures.

Who is a candidate for dentures?

Dentures are easier and faster to place but they may not work for everyone. You are a potential candidate for dentures if you have:

  • Missing teeth (more than 1 tooth on both adjacent sides)
  • Healthy gums and jawbone
  • A mouth structure that can adjust to foreign material
  • Malocclusion due to lost or damaged teeth

And if you have any of these issues you won’t be a good candidate for dentures.

  • Gum disease
  • Suffer from severe bone loss
  • Think implants and crowns are expensive
  • Are allergic to foreign materials
  • Are not ready to have regular and constant dental hygiene rules

Can dentures be fitted to receding gums?

Getting dentures is not a good idea if there are signs of gum recession. Dentists suggest against it because dentures cover your gums also and it may worsen them.

It is better to treat the underlying issue first and then get this treatment.

If you already have sensitive gums, discuss it with your dentist to avoid any complications.

Why should I wear dentures?

Dentures are most appropriate for you if you are missing more than a couple of teeth. They give you a new set of teeth so that you can eat and smile the way you used to. Apart from the aesthetic benefits, dentures also improve your jaw structure. Missing teeth, in the long run, cause the jaw bone to sag and make you look old. Wearing dentures not only restores your smile but improves your oral health.

Pros and cons of dentures

If you’re considering getting denture implants, you need to understand their benefits and limitations. Knowing how they impact your jaw and overall oral health will help you make an informed decision. So what are the pros and cons of dentures, we explain them below:

Benefits of dentures

Smile restoration is the biggest pro of getting this treatment. You can smile wide without any hesitations. There are many denture options that can help you restore your smile.

Affordable solution to missing teeth. This is one of the most used replacement therapies. The price varies as per the patient’s needs, but the total cost of dentures is much lower than other dental procedures for replacement teeth. The material you choose also affects the price.

Less invasive unlike other aesthetic dental treatments, the procedure of dentures does not have a lengthy preparation. It is different if you need a tooth extraction to place your dentures. If you don’t, it is the least invasive procedure to replace missing teeth with false teeth.

Improves jaw and bite alignment because the empty spaces of missing teeth in your jawbone will start to sag and make you look old. Getting dentures leads to an uplifted jaw structure and a more youthful face. Malocclusion or bite alignment improves much more if you get implant-supported dentures.

Improves your speech because teeth play a crucial role in speaking. This type of prosthetic can solve every and any speech problem caused by the loss of teeth. You’ll be able to speak better!

Cons of dentures

The artificial appearance of dentures could be a negative thing about it. If the quality of your dentures is not up to the mark, they tend to give off an artificial appearance. Mostly, acrylic or plastic ones tend to look fake because of poor quality.

Prone to infections if you have ill-fitting dentures. In this case, food can enter the spaces and cause infections. Moreover, if you do not clean them properly, leftover food particles can cause yeast infections.

Extra hygiene measures due to the problem we just mentioned. You have to be extra careful about your oral hygiene because they are not real teeth. Every time they are taken off, they must be cleaned before wearing them back. The whole process may seem a bit exhausting at times.

Fitting issues can happen. The fit is the biggest and most crucial part of the treatment. If any types of dentures you’ve picked do not fit you well, many complications can occur. Ill-fitting prosthetics or overly tight ones can lead to jaw issues or sore gums in the long run.

With all these said let us finish this chapter about dentures with a brief history of them.

Are dentures for young people a good idea?

While most people believe dentures are better for older people, it is not completely true. Dentures in the present age come in many varieties and one can choose according to their needs. These days even young people in their 20s and 30s can get dentures if missing teeth. It is also safe for kids to have dentures in case they lose teeth because they do not have direct contact with your jaw.

Do celebs also wear dentures?

Yes, they do! If you are still skeptical about getting dentures maybe this will change your mind. Today, dentures are a popular trend to improve your smile, especially in front of the camera. Here are some world-famous Hollywood stars who chose dentures to transform their smile:

  • Emma Watson:
    Famous for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter series, Emma wore dentures during the shooting of the film. She chose them to replace missing teeth when her baby teeth started falling out.
  • Drew Barrymore:
    Her enchanting smile captivates hearts on and off the screen. Little did we know she wore dentures all through her childhood days after losing her baby teeth.
  • Tom Cruise:
    Known for his million-dollar smile, Tom Cruise did not have the most perfect smile when he entered the industry. His denturist fixed his crooked and uneven smile by placing this type of dental prosthetic.
  • Ben Affleck:
    Undoubtedly, Affleck’s smile is a huge part of his charming on-screen presence. Rumour has it that he wore a full set of dental prosthetics for years to perfect his attractive smile.

What is the history of dentures?

The concept of dentures began with a tribe of Etruscans back in the 7th century. They were the first ones to use animal and human teeth to replace missing teeth.

The concept became more popular in the 1700s and people started to use this type of dental prosthetics more. Ivory and vulcanite were more popular for dentures during this era. Ivory came from animals and vulcanite was a hard polymer rubber used to mold into dentures. These materials were not durable and caused people a lot of pain while eating, so they could not last long.

The first porcelain ones came in the late 1800s in France. They were not sturdy and were prone to cracks. In the early 1900s, new technology improved the quality of porcelain dental prosthetics.

Today, porcelain is a more popular and durable choice for this treatment.

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