4 dental implants failure causes, symptoms, and solutions
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4 dental implants failure causes, symptoms, and solutions

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Dental implants are a popular and effective dental treatment for sure. But sometimes problems can arise due to reasons beyond our control, as is possible in almost every dental treatment. Of course, dental implant failure is an unfortunate outcome and it can be a quite frustrating experience. Especially when you are hoping for a long-term solution. There could be several dental implants failure causes. As you can guess, it’s important to be aware of these causes to prevent undesirable consequences. But will it be enough just to know why it turned out like this? To tell the truth, the best thing you can do is to be aware of the signs of dental implant failure and what to do in such situations. So that even if you realize something is off, you can sort the issue out and plan out a solution that works for you.

The most common 4 dental implant failure causes

As most of us know, dental implant procedures are a revolutionary and reliable solution in restorative dentistry. But while implant success rates are generally high, it’s still possible to experience implant failure. The most common dental implants failure causes include poorly grafted bone, problems with the implant itself, implant misalignment, and allergic reactions. Understanding these possible causes for long-term implant success is essential. So, let’s take a closer look at these reasons together.

Poorly grafted bone

One of the causes of failure in dental implants is poorly grafted jaw bone. Dental implant success depends on how well your implant fits with your jawbone. So, if you have significant bone loss, the necessary support for the implant is not there. In such cases, you’ll have to undergo a bone graft to strengthen the existing bone structure. And with bone grafting, bone material will be added to your jaw to increase its density and strength. If the bone graft goes wrong the implant might not fit properly, leading to potential implant failure. And what’s worse is that if the tools are somehow contaminated, chances are the bacteria can pass on to you.

Of course, these things aside, the job falls to you as well. That is, procedure aftercare is your share. After bone grafting, you should follow your dental specialist’s instructions carefully. Otherwise, poor post-treatment care makes further treatment necessary.

Implant itself

Sometimes the implant post may become loose due to poor treatment or other reasons. This movement may lead to a loose implant, which may cause your implant to break. Unfortunately, these kinds of implant complications are possible. And although rare, implant rejection is such a complication. This can happen when the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies the implant as a foreign object and starts attacking it. Successful implant procedures require good treatment planning, skilled dentists, and high-quality materials.

To reduce the risk of implant failure, you should choose an experienced surgeon who uses materials that meet safety standards. Otherwise, these factors can put your oral health in a tight spot.

Misalignment of the implant

Improper placement is another factor that can lead to the failure of dental implant procedures. Wrong implant positioning affects the stability, function, and aesthetics of the implant. And often the cause of failure is the bone not completely surrounding the implant. This happens because the ideal position difference between the implant and bone is not taken into account. As a result, your gum tissue can get infected. Not to mention you might experience gum recession and have difficulty maintaining good oral hygiene in the long run.

For this reason, the surgeon should take your bone quality, and anatomy into account when performing the placement. If the initial implantation isn’t done properly, later correction will be way more difficult.

Allergic reaction

Allergic reactions to dental implants can lead to dental implant failure as well, especially if it’s titanium alloy. Yes, this kind of material is biocompatible, but you can still experience hypersensitivity or foreign object rejection to it.

In case of an allergic reaction, your immune system perceives the titanium implant as a threat. To get rid of this threat, it creates an inflammatory response that can affect the fusing process. As a result, the implant won’t be as stable. So, if you’re allergic to metal, you may want to consider alternative implant materials such as zirconia.

Here are the 5 symptoms of implant failure

Now that we’ve taken a look at the dental implants failure causes, here’s how to tell if you’re experiencing one. If you notice weird things happening after the operation, it’s most likely related to your implant. Symptoms such as oral infection, nerve pain, implant movement, bad taste or odor, and sinus congestion are signs that something is wrong. Let’s go into more detail so that you can be sure your issues are related to implant failure.

1. Oral infections

Now that we’ve taken a look at the dental implants failure causes, here’s how to tell if you’re experiencing one. If you notice weird things happening after the operation, it’s most likely related to your implant. Symptoms such as oral infection, nerve pain, implant movement, bad taste or odor, and sinus congestion are signs that something is wrong. Let’s go into more detail so that you can be sure your issues are related to implant failure.

2. Nerve damage or pain

Nerve pain is another important symptom of implant failure. If an implant is placed too deeply into your jawbone, the inferior alveolar nerve might get damaged. You may experience various sensations such as tingling, numbness, or throbbing pain in your jaw, face, or neck. While it’s helpful to deal with nerve problems right away, sometimes the damage is already done.

Consult your dentist so they can review the extent of damage and plan a treatment to restore proper nerve function.

3. Implant’s moving

Implant movement, which is an important symptom of implant failure, can be quite uncomfortable. Because after the operation, you should feel as if you don’t have anything inserted there. It should be no different than having your natural tooth. If the implant loosens or starts to move, you can easily notice that something is wrong. This can lead to other conditions, such as bone loss and damage to surrounding tissues. After a while, even your implant post may become visible. Nobody would like their implant to become exposed.

Apart from aesthetic concerns, it can also cause infections. For a successful long-term result, the underlying reason must be found and get treated.

4. Unpleasant taste or odor

Picture this: You’ve just had dental implant surgery. But you’re still using tobacco and neglecting your oral hygiene. Other than these bad habits, having a weak immune system, or suffering from bruxism can make things worse. It’s a very possible scenario the area will become infected. You’ll immediately notice an infection situation by the bad smell and strange taste. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Because if this infection progresses, you might even find pus or discharge around the implant. At this point, you won’t have the slightest doubt that things are going wrong.

Although this symptom can be terrifying for most patients, it is one of the most easily resolved issues. Because it’s quite noticeable, it can also be quickly fixed. So, it won’t lead to implant failure that easily.

5. Sinus problems or chronic congestion

Sinus lifting is performed in people who do not have enough bone for the implant in their upper jaw. In this way, the foundation of the implant is laid solid. But in very rare cases, the implant may move upwards in the sinus cavity when it is placed wrong or without enough maxillary bone. This can lead to irritation, inflammation, and blockage of the sinuses.

If you experience symptoms such as nasal congestion and a constant feeling of pressure or heaviness in your facial area, this might be the issue. A dentist or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist can provide comfort for your situation.

What to do in this case

If you experience such failure symptoms, you should waste no time. Don’t lose hope right away. The sooner you visit your dentist, the better results you will get. According to a study, the survival rate of single dental implants that replace a failed implant was determined as 71%. So, the first step is to set up an appointment with your dentist. By performing a thorough examination, they’ll identify the underlying cause of the problem. For this, tests such as X-rays or imaging might be required to recognize the condition of the implant and surrounding tissues. Based on the findings, your dentist will create a treatment plan just for you.

With antibiotics, repositioning or replacement of your implant, or other procedures, implants can be saved. But remember, to restore the implant, it is crucial that you follow the advice and treatment provided by your dentist.


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