Dental bonding vs veneers: what do you really need?
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Dental bonding vs veneers: what do you really need?

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Dental bonding vs veneers, it can be tough to choose between the two. They both serve the same cosmetic purposes so it can be confusing for one to know which one will be right for them. They are both corrective treatments yet they differ in procedure, longevity, material as well as cost. Understanding the little and big differences between the two can help clear any confusions you may have. 

If you are currently thinking about getting one and can’t choose, here is what you must know:

The differences and similarities of bonding and veneers

Dental bonding vs veneers, if you are confused between the two, we can guide you by providing the main differences and similarities between them. Here is a list of the differences and similarities you must know to improve your understanding of the two:

The Differences

Here are the main differences between veneers and bondings.

  • Purpose: Bonding is a quick procedure performed to immediately address minor cosmetic issues such as tears, cracks, or mild stains. Veneers also serve cosmetic purposes but are suitable for bigger issues such as dark stains or oddly shaped teeth. 
  • Process: The process of bonding is a lot faster and does not take more than an hour if there are no complications. It is because bonding is a superficial process, i.e. it does not require any drilling or grinding. However, for veneers, the process involves preparing the tooth before attachment.
  • Life span: Bonding and veneers differ a lot in terms of their longevity. While it matters how much you take care of your oral health but natural wear and tear could also affect their life span. The average life span of bonding is 3 to 5 years whereas, veneers can last 10 to 15 years depending on their material. 
  • Material: The materials used in bonding and veneers can be quite different also. A typical bonding is made from composite resin while traditional veneers are made of porcelain or zirconium. These materials are completely different from each other in terms of durability and strength.

The similarities

  • Purpose: Veneers and bonding are both cosmetic dental procedures performed to change the appearance of your smile. This is why they are often considered as alternatives but their usage depends on the patient’s demands as well as the situation. 
  • Material: Dental bonding and veneers can both be compared because the same materials are often used in both. The bonding material is usually made of composite resin material and most immediate or temporary veneers are also made of resin. 

What are the pros and cons?

Dental bonding and veneers are both cosmetic corrective procedures and both have their pros and cons. To understand which one would be suitable for a smile makeover, you must know its benefits and drawbacks.

The pros of bonding and veneers

  • Bonding and veneers are both relatively faster procedures compared to implants or dentures. 
  • Minor and major corrections can be made through a porcelain veneer and bonding. The dental issues include minor or major cracks, dark or light stains, gaps, misshapen teeth, or discolored teeth.
  • In both procedures anesthesia is optional and for the most part, these procedures are not invasive. 
  • They are both cost-effective as compared to other procedures such as dental implants.  
  • Both can produce natural aesthetic results and can give you an improved and beautiful smile. 

The cons of dental bonding vs veneers

  • Composite resin bonding and can easily have stains, breakage or chips if you don’t maintain them properly compared to good quality veneers.  
  • If they don’t fit right, they can cause gum infection, tooth decay, and an improper bite. Therefore, you must seek the help and services of a qualified and certified cosmetic dentist.

Price differences of dental bonding and veneers

Dental bonding and veneers are both cosmetic dentistry procedures but their prices differ. Veneers are relatively pricier than bonding because they have a complex process and the materials used are much more durable. You have to keep in mind durability too and if you need to redo some procedure. Again the price could differ based on the patient’s situation and the material of the veneer.

Dental insurance plans usually don’t cover cosmetic procedures such as porcelain veneer and bonding. That’s why when you want to know about either veneers or bonding, affordability is important. We at Dentfix prepare personalized treatment plans keeping in mind your budget and dental requirements. Our team is available to listen to your problems and offer appropriate dental solutions. The dental industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years. You can find top-notch dental technology and qualified dental services in our clinic.

Dental bonding vs porcelain veneers: Which one to go for and why?

Bonding and veneers are two common alternative cosmetic procedures to get visibly whiter and straighter teeth. The two most important aspects when thinking about getting one are your budget and the dental issue. Ultimately, a dentist’s advice is necessary to be sure which one is more suitable for you. 

Generally, dental bonding is a more suitable procedure for minor yet urgent dental concerns including minor cracks, mild discoloration, and oddly shaped teeth. Veneers are better for drastic cosmetic defects such as huge gaps, stubborn stains, crooked teeth, or overcrowded teeth. Moreover, the procedure of bonding may be fast but it has a shorter life than a porcelain veneer. Veneers can last for a much longer time because of the material difference. Bonding are resin while typical veneers are stronger materials like porcelain and zirconium. 

For many people, the cost is a huge factor and they tend to choose options that don’t cost them an arm and leg. In that case, bonding is a more cost-effective option but like mentioned above it does not last as long as veneers. Veneers may cost you more but they last longer and tend to have fewer complications. 

FAQs on Dental Bonding & Veneers

Here are a few questions our team always gets regarding dental bondings and veneers. We will give you a detailed answer in the hope you won’t have any more doubts or insecurities. So let’s start.

Tooth bonding or dental veneers, which one is better?

Veneers and bonding are both cosmetic procedures and serve more or less the same purposes. However, since bonding is a short-term solution it may not last as long as veneers. Veneers on the other hand are more durable and tougher. In terms of price, since veneers last longer and have a more complex process they can be pricier than bonding. However, veneers may not be suitable for people who don’t have sufficient tooth enamel. In that case, bonding is a better and safer choice. Therefore, you should discuss this matter with your dentist who can decide which one is better for you. 

When should one choose dental bonding over dental veneers?

Dental bonding should be chosen over dental veneers if your budget and dental condition allow you to do so. Dentists will often recommend you to choose dental bonding over veneers if you don’t have enough enamel and you want a quick treatment for your damaged teeth. You can also choose to bond over dental veneers if you have a low budget and you want to cover your dental flaws. 

Should I choose porcelain veneers or dental bonding?

It is a matter of personal choice and what your dentist suggests. Porcelain veneers are an ideal choice if you want a long-lasting and durable dental cosmetic solution. On the other hand, if your budget is minimal and you want an effective cosmetic treatment, bonding is your best bet. Sometimes dentists may advise against porcelain veneers because of insufficient enamel. 

Are veneers stronger than bonding?

Yes, veneers are stronger than composite bonding because they are made of other more durable and stronger materials such as porcelain veneer and zirconium. 


Edelhoff D, Prandtner O, Saeidi Pour R, Liebermann A, Stimmelmayr M, Güth JF. Anterior restorations: The performance of ceramic veneers. Quintessence Int. 2018;49(2):89-101. 


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