Can you get implants after dentures? Possible or not?
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Can you get implants after dentures? Possible or not?

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Many people have dentures for covering fallen teeth. They make people use their teeth better. However, sometimes there may be better alternatives for people with missing teeth, and if you already have the other alternative, you may have concerns about switching. Long story short: can you get implants after dentures?

This will be the subject of our article. We’ll try to answer all your questions about this topic. Maybe you have had dentures for a very long time and now you’re wondering if can you get dental implants after having dentures for years or you’re wondering can dental implants replace dentures. Well, you’re lucky we’re here. Fasten your seat belts and let’s learn if you can get implants after dentures.

Switching the teams: Getting implants after dentures

The idea of switching something to another thing new may be upsetting for some people. Especially if these things are orthodontic apparatus. Yes, it may be a hard decision but we’re here to answer all your questions about this subject. Keep your mind clear, here we go:

Can you get implants after dentures?

The answer is a big YES. An implant is the best option for a missing tooth both for your health and the daily functions of your teeth. Of course that doesn’t mean the dentures are bad but the implants are placed into your jawbones just like your natural teeth. So it can stimulate the underlying tissues as much as natural teeth, and these tissues stay alive because of this stimulation.

The only thing that can keep you away from getting an implant is the lack of enough jawbone tissue or some other oral health issues. Luckily, with modern technology, there are treatment options to fix these problems. However, sometimes they may not be enough or your overall health and bone structure may not support such a process. If you do not have such problems, you can get your implants whenever you want.

When can you get implants after dentures?

Whenever you want! It doesn’t matter how long you were on dentures. You just can decide to have dental implants. It can be a personal choice as well as a doctor’s advice. But sometimes, if you have serious oral health problems that can affect the success of the implant process, you may need to fix these problems first.

For example, dental bone loss and severe gum disease may affect the success of the procedure. In such a situation you have to have the required medical procedures first. It may take some time. In the case of bone grafting, you may need a healing process lasting for months to have the required bone infrastructure in your jawbones. 

Why do people prefer implants?

Basically, because they are better. In fact, they are the best. They don’t just cover the natural tooth functionally, but they also mimic it structurally. They act just like your natural tooth. So, in terms of oral health and aesthetic appearance, dental implants are superior to all other alternatives. That’s why many people prefer them. 

Advantages of implants after dentures

The advantages of implants after switching? There’s more than you think! Let us repeat ourselves: Implants are the best choice you can have if you have a missing tooth. There are many benefits of filling the gaps with an implant. And of course, we want you to know why, that’s why we prepared this guide for you. So, let’s see the main benefits of getting implants after dentures:

Easier daily routine

Brushing, cleaning, eating, talking everything is much easier with dental implants. They are superior on the topics of comfort and functionality. It will be easier to do daily actions because implants mimic the natural tooth. It doesn’t cover the missing tooth just visually or just by some functions but it’s structurally mimics it. So for example, if you want to floss with the dentures, it could be hard, but with the implants, it just requires a little extra carefulness. 


This is probably the best thing about the implants. Implants are extremely durable. They last far longer than any other orthodontic tool under the right conditions. They are generally designed to last around 30 to 40 years with proper care.

Jawbone health

This is one of the main goals of implants. The jawbone structure needs stimulation to stay strong and alive. Dentures can not provide this. Plus, orthodontic tools like dentures transmit the pressure that is supposed to force the place of the missing tooth to neighboring teeth. This may cause misalignment in neighboring teeth.

Better oral health

We said it before: they act just like your natural tooth. So it’s easier to clean them. Most cleaning tools are designed for natural teeth. So you can use whatever you want to clean them. It’s easier to keep them clean and healthy. Plus, they’ll apply the pressure directly to the bone tissue lying under them as it has to be. So you also won’t experience any problems caused by lack of bone stimulation. Shortly, dental implants are the best choice for your oral health.

Boosts your confidence

Implants act, stay, and look like natural teeth. This means no other connective or holder orthodontic parts. Just an implant, connected to your body. Normally, an eye from the outside can not say the difference. That’s why you will be bombing with your new teeth give a confident smile.

Disadvantages of choosing implants after dentures

Apart from being extremely advantageous, sure implants also has some disadvantages. It’s a natural law. Everything has a bad side. But this time, the bad side may not be bad enough to make you refuse the implants. Why? Let’s see:

Its cost

This is the implant’s general and most known disadvantage: They are expensive. But while considering it, also know that they will be worth the price. Implants being expensive does not change the fact that they’re the most durable, long-lasting, and also medically best option for your missing teeth. 

Required time

On average, an implant procedure can take months. Because it is placed into your gums and jawbone. It requires a healing time and it also has to fuse with these tissues just like a tooth root. Plus, if you need a bone grafting procedure, this time gets even longer. Because the bone grafting material takes a long time to be a part of your body and get fused with natural bone.

Being unqualified

Implants being the best choice doesn’t mean they are suitable for everyone. Some people may not have sufficient jaw bone infrastructure for getting an implant. Bone grafting is a solution but in some cases, the bone loss may be so severe that even the bone grafting techniques can’t be enough to create a tissue that will support the implant.

Also, the healing process is an important part of the implant application. Your overall health, gum health, jawbone density, and factors like these should be good enough for the procedure.

Possible complications

It mostly depends on your habits and the skills of your dentist, but implant procedures may be followed by some unwanted results. We can count some of them as followings:

Implant failure: Without a skilled and experienced dentist and proper aftercare, there is a risk of your new implants failing. You have to follow good oral hygiene habits and follow your doctor’s advice. For example, smoking is bad for bone density and the success of your implants is directly connected to the bone density.

Possible infections: Because the application process requires surgical operations on the tissue that the implant will be planted, the dentist and you have to be careful. The process has to be made in a healthy and sterile environment with clean tools and you have to protect the area during the healing process.

Receding gums: Sometimes the gums around the implant can recede. This is definitely an unwanted case both for the appearance of your implant and your oral health. To avoid such a situation, you have to follow a good oral hygiene routine. By a good oral hygiene routine we don’t just mean brushing but also flossing and reconsidering your daily habits. 

Will it be worth getting implants?

Definitely. Both aesthetically and functionally the implants will satisfy you and as we said before they will also help you to keep your mouth healthy. The appliance procedure and the healing process are longer and more demanding, we can’t deny this. But they last for 30 to 40 years with good care.

Plus, their appearance is quite good. Anyone looking from the outside won’t see any connective part or wire or anything like that. It appears just like a tooth. So, will it be worth getting implants? Totally! Even if they’re more expensive, you won’t spend any money on your teeth anymore in the future.


Park SY, Oh SH, Kim J, Jung YJ, Park JY, Lee EK, Kim SK, Kim Y. Single-Tooth Implant Versus Three-Unit Fixed Partial Denture: A Study of Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016 Mar-Apr;31(2):376-81. doi: 10.11607/jomi.4191. PMID: 27004283. (link)

Goodacre CJ, Naylor WP. Single implant and crown versus fixed partial denture: A cost-benefit, patient-centred analysis. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2016;9 Suppl 1:S59-68. PMID: 27314112. (link)

Mohammad S. Dental implants. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul-Dec;8(2):87-88. doi: 10.4103/njms.NJMS_79_17. PMID: 29386808; PMCID: PMC5773996. (link)

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