The Ultimate Guide to Veneers Made Really Easy
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The Ultimate Guide to Veneers Made Really Easy

Table of Contents

If you are considering cosmetic dentistry treatment, dental veneers (aka dental facets) could be your way to go. We can describe dental veneers as cosmetic shelves for teeth. Many people prefer veneers for their natural-looking appearance and almost non-invasiveness.

  • Veneers are thin shells placed on teeth.
  • Dental veneers can help you change your smile
  • You can use veneers to correct or change the color of your teeth.
  • Veneers cannot change your teeth’s direction, length, shape, and location.
  • Dental veneers do not and should not look like fake teeth.

Let’s Begin! What Are Veneers for Teeth?

Veneers are extremely thin, ranging from 0.5 to 0.7mm. They’re like tiny shells that look like teeth and are made of ceramic, composite, or lithium disilicate.

They conceal the patient’s teeth when discolored, misaligned, crooked, abnormal, over-spaced, chipped, or fractured teeth are present. They come in a multitude of varieties and colors.

In short, dental facets are placed on the visible surface of the teeth, crafting a perfect smile with white and aesthetic teeth.

Veneers made simple: Dental facets are like fake nails. You place fake nails on top of your natural nails for aesthetic reasons, but your real nails are always underneath them.

What are dental veneers
What are dental veneers

What Do Veneers Look Like?

People are often curious about what veneers look like. They are wafer-thin covers fixed on top of your tooth able to cover the entire surface. Veneers provide a brand new surface to your teeth and imitate teeth perfectly.

You can find dental facets in many forms, shapes, sizes, and materials. Your dentists will customize them to treat your dental needs efficiently.

Wahat Do Dental Veneers Look Like

Veneers from the top, front, and sides.

Why Do Veneers Look Like Horse Teeth?

Dental veneers actually do not look like horse teeth. Your veneers’ appearance will depend on your dentist’s skill, the materials used, and your color choice.

However, some clinics use zirconium crowns, saying they are porcelain veneers, as veneers are a bit more expensive. Please avoid scam dental offices and research well for the best results. If you think you have zirconium crowns instead of veneers, you can check your X-ray results.

Zirconium crowns will show your teeth as pure white in the X-ray. If you have porcelain veneers, you will see your teeth as transparent.

Are Veneers Fake Teeth? 

No, veneers are not fake teeth. They only cover the front of your teeth. Your teeth will need to be there always in the case of facets. The tooth and the facets are attached so the veneer will just lay on top of it.

If veneers were fake, then you would have lost your natural tooth and replaced the missing tooth. That is only possible with restorative treatments such as dental implants or dentures.

Will People Notice I Have Veneers on?

With the help of a skillful dentist, good veneers will and should match your natural teeth. Veneers are only put on the visible part of your mouth. Their purpose is to mask your issues in a way that people around you cannot tell the difference between real teeth and veneers. 

If for some reason, people notice you have them, it’s probably because of the astounding improvement you got on your teeth.

Will Veneers Change My Face?

They won’t change the shape of your face or any part of it. However, veneers will definitely change your smile and make your smile look more aesthetic.

Some dental clinics such as Dentfix, adopt a perspective for a customized smile. While planning our smile, your dentist will consider your facial structure, your character, and even your profession.

Did You Know?

A lawyer's and a metal music band guitarist's smile can be structured differently.

Are Dental Veneers Safe?

Dental facets are absolutely safe for your teeth and your general health. The materials or the procedure won’t cause harm your teeth. As veneers are permanent, they need to be safe for life. A licensed clinic will make sure of it.

If you brush, floss, and rinse regularly and see your dentist regularly, you don’t need to worry about your oral health.

Are Veneers Permanent or Are They Reversible?

Dental facets are permanent and irreversible. Your natural teeth will be cut and shaped. This process cannot be reversed.

In case of broken or chipped facets, you need to get new ones immediately. This is part of the veneers’ maintenance routine, if you lose one you have to replace it right away.

Will Veneers Protect My Teeth?

Yes, they protect your teeth creating a hard surface between your tooth and the outside agents. Dental facets can protect your teeth from chipping, hot-cold sensitivity, and possible staining.

You will still need proper care and oral health.

The Benefits of Veneers: What Are Dental Veneers for?

The foremost benefit of veneers is that it’s the ideal treatment for discolored teeth. Dental veneers help you resolve cosmetic issues related to your teeth.

Here are the benefits of veneers:

  • A minimal and invasive procedure
  • Mostly natural-looking smile
  • Long-lasting
  • Easily maintained


Dental veneers pros and cons

Cons of Veneers: Problems You Can’t Solve With This Treatment

Veneers have some side effects and limitations and are not always the right solution. So, here we will discuss what’s not possible to achieve with the use of this aesthetic treatment:

  • Missing teeth can’t be replaced with dental veneers as you can only apply them to existing teeth. In case of tooth loss, the patient may need implants or dentures.
  • Severe overcrowding doesn’t get fixed by applying veneers. This can result in oral hygiene problems and bite issues that may affect the dental facets. You may need orthodontic treatment.
  • Cavities need to be taken care of first. If not, you may face infection problems.
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding is an oral habit that won’t work with veneers. Because with this treatment too much pressure can be detrimental causing them to break.

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How Old Do You Need to Be to Get Veneers?

Usually, you should wait until you are not a minor anymore (18+). Wait until you have completed the mental and physical growth process. However, we prefer patients at least 20-22 years of age.

But why?

The patient should be aware of their decision and understand every single detail of this treatment. This treatment is permanent and it’s a lifelong commitment.

Secondly, the patient should be old enough to have finished the growth process so there won’t be any change to the teeth. A change in teeth shape or position will compromise the facets and may require a second set of them.

Can You Get Veneers When Old Age Is Approaching?

Yes, of course! There are no limitations on age when it comes to getting dental facets.

With age, your smile can lose its original beauty and become duller. If you desire a white and aesthetic smile, veneers are the solution for you.

As long as teeth are present and your dentist advises you to, you can get veneers without any problem.

Can Veneers Be Removed?

It depends on the type of veneers you have. There are removable veneers and they generally come in full set/one piece.

If you have permanent veneers, you cannot remove them as you wish. In case of a chipped veneer, your dentist will replace that piece with a new one.

If you have permanent facets, meaning your teeth are filed and shaped. That means your natural teeth are in a non-reversible shape now. It would be best to keep your veneers for your teeth’ health and for better appearance.

Top Questions and Answers on Getting Dental Veneers

If you are still not sure if veneers are the most ideal option for you, we’ve got you covered. Our dentists will answer your specific questions. If you have more, please leave a comment down below!

Can Veneers Replace Missing Teeth?

They are not substitutes for your teeth. They are meant to cover just the front part – the visible part – of the teeth. Veneers do not come in a full tooth-shaped form. They are basically like shelves for your existing teeth.

If there’s a missing tooth you may need an implant. Dental facets are not the ideal treatment for you.

Can You Get Veneers With Bone Loss?

Getting veneers after solving your bone loss problem will be better for your teeth and gum health. If you have severe bone loss, a restorative treatment with bone grafting will be better for you.

Can You Get Veneers With Periodontal Disease?

In short, no. For you to get veneers you should have healthy teeth and healthy gums. However, once your gum has been correctly treated and healed, you will be able to get facets.

Will Veneers Fix an Overbite?

Dental facets are cosmetic treatments, meaning their only aim is to better the appearance of the smile. They will not solve your malocclusion problem. Aligners or braces could be a suitable option for you depending on the severity of your overbite.

Dentfix Dictionary

This term refers to an incorrect or improper alignment of upper and lower teeth. It creates a misaligned bite or occlusion. In simple terms, when you close your teeth together, they don’t match or close correctly.

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Can I Get Veneers If I Have a Crossbite?

It depends on the severity of your crossbite. Severe malocclusions need different treatments such as aligners or braces. Again depending on the severity, you may even need a jaw surgery.

Minor crossbites generally do not pose any problem. However, for a certain answer, you should consult a dentist. After examining your teeth and your crossbite, they will provide you with the best treatment plan.

Will Veneers Straighten My Teeth?

No, they are just aesthetic treatments in cosmetic dentistry. Dental facets cannot change the shape, direction, or any anomaly of your teeth.

Veneers are for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons. They are to make your smile beautiful and/or to change the color of your teeth. But underneath them, your teeth will still be the same.

Not sure about if veneers can fix your problem? Maybe it’s best if you check more suitable alternatives for your condition.

Karishma, Jayalakshimi Ravinthar. Recent Advancements in Laminate and Veneers in Dentistry, 12 June 2018. Article DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00148.8

Nalbandian, S., Millar, B. The effect of veneers on cosmetic improvement. Br Dent J 207, E3 (2009).

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