Alternative to Dental Crown: all options listed for you!
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Alternative to Dental Crown: all options listed for you!

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Dental crown alternatives include other treatments that can be used to repair damaged teeth rather than a traditional dental crown. Common alternatives to prefer include; dental bonding, veneers, inlays, onlays, and dental fillings.

Many patients seek inexpensive dental crowns while looking for a dental restoration or after a root canal. A temporary crown is the most preferred and effective dental approach to repair a damaged tooth. There may be various reasons for a patient to look for alternative dental crowns. This includes a person’s budget, the severity of tooth damage, general fear of dental procedures, etc.

For many people, budget is the main concern. Some may say “Oh, I can’t afford a crown on my root canal” so start looking for affordable crowning alternatives. If for whatever reason, you don’t want a dental crown, there are many alternate options to choose from but it is best you consult your dentist first. Together you’ll be able to pick the right one for you.

In this article, we will discuss some cheap teeth crowns.

Dental crown alternatives: exploring your options

Dental crowns are quite common in the restoration of damaged or decayed teeth. But you may be looking for less invasive or more budget-friendly alternatives for a bunch of reasons.

If you’re looking for a dental crown alternative, you probably don’t like the idea of this procedure because it alters the natural teeth. In other cases, you are not ready for the expenses related to a dental crown or want cheap crowns. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly dental alternative you may want to take a look at prices for crown procedure in Turkey. But if you’re not ready for a permanent crown or a traditional crown, your choice of treatment includes different solutions. Here are a few alternative dental solutions dentists usually recommend in such cases.

The best crown alternatives are:

  • Onlays
  • Inlays
  • Temporary composite fillings
  • Tooth extraction

Dental Onlays

In case a dental crown is not your first choice or your dental insurance doesn’t cover it, you may be looking for something cost-effective. If we compare onlay vs crown costs, onlay would be a cheaper option. The process involves removing the damaged part of your tooth and covering it with custom‐made filling made from silver/gold or porcelain.

Onlays are one of the types of restorations that are placed on the cusps of your teeth after the dentist drills and gets rid of the damaged part of the tooth. In simple words, it covers the entire top surface of a natural tooth structure.

It is a completely safe option and the best part is that this is the least invasive procedure compared to crowns. When a crown is placed, most part of your original tooth is also removed in order to make enough space for the crown. When an onlay is placed, only a limited part of your tooth is removed to get rid of the decay. The same part is sealed with a restorative filling material such as composite resin or amalgam (gold or silver).

On lays are available in various materials and each material varies in terms of price and durability.

Dental Inlays 

Dentists can interchange a crown with an inlay or an onlay based on the situation of your tooth. If the cavity hasn’t infected the entire upper part of your tooth, then chances are that your dentist might recommend putting an inlay on the affected area. Inlay also is a relatively cheaper alternative to dental crown because the procedure is short and less invasive.

Similar to an onlay, inlays are also created using custom-made fillings or composite materials in order to cover the middle-upper part of your tooth. Materials mostly used for inlays include porcelain/ceramic, gold, and composite resin.

It is an ideal choice for people wanting a less invasive procedure.

Temporary composite fillings

A composite filling is the easiest, less time-consuming restoration of your weak tooth following a tooth decay situation. It is a short-term solution that brings back the damaged entire tooth to its original shape and structure. They are also referred to as indirect Resin Crowns. However, they should not be considered a long-term solution.

Temporary or short-term composite fillings are made of less efficient materials such as resin, glass ionomer, amalgam, etc. and average resin crown costs may vary.

Short-term composite fillings are prone to fractures, chipping off, causing further decay, destroying tooth enamel, and infecting surrounding gums and teeth.

The rapid advancement in dental technology has made the process of getting composite fillings much easier nowadays. These days you can get assessed by your dentist and receive your filling on the same day, so in case you want a rapid solution to your dental pain, a composite filling might be the ideal choice for you.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a very cheap alternative to dental crowns but it can cause long-term damage to your teeth and jaw bone. That’s why most dentists do not recommend it and consider it a last resort to have healthy teeth. So it should be taken as the very last treatment option since it is by far one of the most invasive treatments.

If the empty space is not filled with some form of dental restoration such as an implant, crown or veneer, or dental bridge, the rest of your teeth can get exposed to cavities, infections, fractures, and in extreme cases breakage.

Therefore, you should think hard before opting for tooth extraction as it poses many future risks and problems.

Procedures Fee range Fees in Turkey Durability
Crowns 300$ to $2500 100$ to 250$ 1 to 10 years
Onlay 650$ to 1200$ per tooth 30$ to 70$ 10 to 12 years
Inlay 650$ to 1200$ per tooth 30$ to 60$ 10 to 12 years
Composite Tooth Fillings 30 to 40$ per tooth 30$ to 50$ 1 year to 5 years
Tooth Extraction 75$ to 200$ per tooth 30$ to 50$

Key factors to consider when exploring alternatives to dental crowns

There are a number of factors you should consider before choosing a cheaper alternative to dental crowns. Key factors for you to consider when you’re looking for a dental alternative, include your price preference, the situation of your dental health, and accessibility.

Before reaching a conclusion, make sure you do a SWOT analysis of the alternative options available to you. For instance, if you choose to go for an inlay, make sure you are aware of its advantages and disadvantages in the short/long term.

If you get an inlay or onlay, you should know that they are not as strong as a crown because they tend to wear off in a few months rather than lasting for years.

Similarly, you can consider the advantages and disadvantages of other materials used in alternative dental restorations other than a crown. For example, inlay or onlays are sometimes made from cheap materials such as composite resin that tend to wear off in just a year if oral hygiene and proper dental care are not maintained.

Finding affordable alternatives to dental crowns

Looking for affordable crown alternatives? You may be worried that your treatment will be of poor quality as the price gets cheaper. But there are a number of options available for direct or indirect tooth restorations following tooth damage or decay. If you don’t want to compromise on your quality, you can take a look at the alternatives in Turkey because it has become very popular in dental tourism in recent years.

Also, different countries offer varying prices and Turkey happens to be one of the affordable locations for dental work. As for your concerns about quality, dental technology in Turkey has come a long way. Now you can find the most modern and equipped dental clinics in Istanbul.

What is the best option for your teeth?

In order to determine which alternative to dental crowns would be suitable for you, a thorough dental assessment should be the first step. So, visiting a qualified dentist should be your top priority to find the right alternatives to crowns. Only a dental professional can analyze your situation and tell you what you need and what’s best for you.

You can get in touch with us and get a free consultation to discuss your situation and our team of dentists will offer you solutions well-suited to your budget and dental needs.

Is it time for you to consider an alternative to dental crown?

A dental crown is necessary when there is a considerable amount of damage or decay present on one of your teeth and in extreme cases, the decay has penetrated into the nerve under the tooth.

Sometimes a full-coverage crown is needed for cosmetic reasons but in such cases, it is an option, not a necessity. You can choose from an array of types of crowns.

These reasons include a chipped or cracked tooth or complete loss of tooth due to severe damage or decay. A missing tooth or broken tooth first requires a dental implant and to protect the implant from damage, a gold crown or any other crown material is placed on it. But is there a cheaper alternative to dental implants though? Well, yes. Your choices are dentures or dental bridges. They usually cost less than dental implants.

More often than not, dental crowns are used to protect your teeth from future problems and to restore your oral health. In cases of severe damage, they become a necessity and you can no longer avoid them.

dentfix clinic: dental implants, veneers, crowns and hollywood smile


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